Buses and lines on a computer chip connect to transistors, creating intricate electric circuits. These circuits, made possible by silicon-based integrated circuits, handle the binary code used in modern computing and operate on a nanoscopic scale.
In a computer chip, buses and lines connect to transistors, creating an intricate electric circuit. Transistors, behaving like on-off switches, handle digital signals that represent binary code; a transistor is either on or off. Integrated circuits, made from silicon or other semiconductors, contain vast collections of transistors, allowing for massive and complex data manipulation.
Silicon-based integrated circuits have revolutionized computer technology by integrating transistors and capacitors in a space-efficient manner, enabling the creation of densely packed circuitry required for modern computing devices like computers and cell phones. Such devices contain electric circuits with features as small as a nanometer.
These transistors are interconnected through buses and lines, known as the electrical pathways. These pathways are created using ultraprecise chemical treatments of the silicon or other semiconductors, which provides the precision needed for the minuscule scale of circuitry.
b. PPT file
c. CSV file
d. DBX file
b. Close-up
c. Still life
d Motion
B.zine can
C.steel cover.
D.electrolyte paste
The answer is "zine can"