B. The job is dangerous.
C. The job is too easy for him.
D. The job does not pay well.
The role of gods and goddesses in Greek society and in The Odyssey was to help humans that aggravate them or to harm those who achieved their friendship. These gods and goddesses interacted with humans, giving them strength, honor, wars, seducing them, imprisoning them, among other things.
About the interaction of gods and goddesses with humans, we have some examples in The Odyssey, two of these examples are reported below:
Gathered in assembly, the gods respond to Athena's request and decide for the return of Ulysses, who after leaving Troy had been trapped in the cave of Calypso, a sea nymph. In the assembly of the gods, Poseidon was absent. Authorized by the gods, Athena goes to Ithaca, disguised in the figure of Minds, king of the Taphios. Welcomed by Telemachus, the young son of Ulysses, the goddess of wisdom and justice raises her spirits and advises him to address the wise Nestor in the sandy Pilo, as well as Menelaus, the king of Sparta, to to get news from Ulysses. Comforted, Telemachus orders his mother, Penelope, to come down to hear the Femdom rhapsode to return to her room. He then calls the suitors to a meeting at the agora the next day to communicate their resolutions. At dusk, everyone retreats to rest.
In a new assembly, at Athena's instance, the gods decree the return of Ulysses. Hermes, the messenger god, gives Calypso the order of Zeus, urging her to let the captive go. The nymph tells Ulysses that he must build a raft and urges him, but in vain, to stay with her. Ulysses finishes the raft in four days, leaving on the fifth and seeing on the eighteenth the land of the Faces, excellent navigators. Seeing the hero, Poseidon causes a storm in which Ulysses almost dies. The leucotean goddess gives her a talisman. Ulysses undoes the raft and, thanks to Leucotea's veil and Athena's protection, swims over to the Isle of Esquia. At great cost, it reaches the mouth of a river, hides in a forest and, exhausted, falls asleep.
A.When an author uses irony, the literary work has a harsh tone.
B.There are two types of irony: situational and dramatic.
C.Irony accentuates key ideas and themes.
D.Readers always recognize irony in literary works.
2.Which conflict is character vs. self?
A.a boy vs. the king of a faraway country
B.a woman vs. the ghosts of famous philosophers
C.a girl vs. turbulent sea voyages
D.a man vs. his own feelings about the corruption of the human race
3. When writing a narrative, why should a writer think about what description to include?
A.because the descriptive elements in writing make most novels too long
B.because description is the most important element of good writing
C.because the description needs to match the goal of the narrative
D.because descriptive writing is the least common form of writing
for plato users the answer is to punish the colonists for their disobedience
It is the oppression that they felt from being slaves or being Black. Many of them hide their feelings of hate and anger behind fake smiles or “mask” from their tormentors. Even after the Civil War, they still had to go through more trials as they were not treated equally as Whites. In Sympathy, the caged bird’s injuries are caused by beating his wings on the cage where he tries to be free. Both poems appeal to the public to see the injustice being done and begs them to do something about it.