Ecris l’équivalent masculin pour chaque membre de la famille


Answer 1


Exemple :

le père : la mère

le frère : la soeur

l'oncle : la tante

le cousin : la cousine

le grand-père : la grand-mère

le neveu : la nièce

Answer 2


le frère =>  la sœur    (brother / sister)

le père => la mère     (father/ mother)

le mari => la femme   (husband/wife)

l'époux => l'épouse    (spouse/bride)

le cousin => la cousine  (cousin)

l'oncle    => la tante      (uncle /aunt)

le neveu => la nièce     (nephew/niece)

le grand-père => la grand-mère  (grandfather/ grandmother)

le beau-père => la belle-mère    (stepfather/ stepmother) or ((father in law/ mother in law)

le beau-frère => la belle-sœur  (stepsister /stepbrother) or (in-law)


hope this helps ☺☺☺

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In chien is a dog un chat is a catA name for animals is tango-I found this out just today or chu but don't say chu chu that's means a student a teacher favors another name is fleur.
well there's chat, chien, cerf, ours, castor, renard, l'éléphant, oiseau, grenouille,  lion, porc, vache, singe, poisson and lots of others

What are some common things that remind you of France? (Symbols, food, etc)


Symbole : la Marseillaise,Marianne,la devise"Liberté,égalité,fraternité",le coq
le drapeau : bleu blanc rouge
Alimentation  :le boeuf bourguignon, la choucroute,la quiche lorraine,le foie gras, la baguette de pain,les fromages (le camenbert, le roquefort....)le vin (Bordeau, Bourgogne...)les cuisses de grenouilles, les escargots.
1. Traditional French culture places a high priority on the enjoyment of food. The French view eating as not just a neutral act, but as culture.

2. France has a different cheese for almost every day of the year.

3. In France, people eat approximately 500,000,000 snails per year.

4. Ten billion baguettes are produced each year in France. By law, a traditional baguette can only have three ingredients: flour, yeast and salt, and must weigh 250 grams, just short of 9 ounces.

5. To help with the rising obesity in France, Starbucks has opened 46 stores in Paris and Lyon.

6. Many people in France drink their hot beverages from bowls and dip bread in it.

7. The legal drinking age is officially 18 for strong liquors (21percent vol. alcohol), and 16 for most alcohol drinks, like beer and wine.

8. While French cuisine is often associated with rich desserts, in most homes dessert consists of only a fruit or yogurt.

9. France is the world’s second largest exporter of agricultural products — and Europe’s largest. 

10. France is the world's second-largest consumer of pesticides after the US — and the world's first-largest consumer of fungicides. The widespread use of chemicals is one reason people in France are turning to bio or organic products. In fact, almost 30 percent of French are now bio buyers.

How do u say hi in French


Hi in french : Salut !
I believe it is "salut"

Select the correct answer. Which verb form correctly completes this sentence? Daniel et Robert _________ les tableaux. A. regarde B. regardons C. regardent D. regardes


C) regardent (that’s plural form)


Daniel et Robert regardent les tableaux.


REGARDER présent

je regarde

tu regardes

il/elle/on regarde

nous regardons

vous regardez

ils/elles regardent     Daniel et Robert = ils

Hope this helps ☺☺☺

Quelles sites touristiques est-ce que tu veux voir?

what does this mean?


Most literally, it simply means, "Which tourist sites would you like to see?" A more general translation would be, "Where would you like to go sightseeing?"

How do you say yesterday I went to the cinema with my brother it was boring because I don't like that



Hier, je ssuis allé'e) au cinéma avec mon frère. C'était ennuyeux car je n'aime pas cela.