To build good credit one should pay bills on time, keep low credit utilization, diversify credit, avoid excessive applications, monitor reports, establish a long credit history and communicate with creditors.
Pay your bills on time, maintain a low credit utilization rate, diversify your credit products, refrain from making too many credit card applications and keep an eye on your credit reports in order to establish a good credit history. Make sure your credit history is extensive, keep in touch with your creditors when facing financial difficulties and practice sound money management.
A good credit history can be built and maintained by consistently exhibiting responsible credit behavior such as on time payments and responsible credit usage. A higher credit score and easier access to credit opportunities with favorable terms can result from this. Regular credit report monitoring makes it easier to spot and quickly fix any mistakes or discrepancies. A patient disciplined and proactive approach to managing one's financial obligations are necessary to establish a solid credit history.
learn more about credit history here
Get a Social Security Number if you do not already have one
Exports, and Government expenses
B. decreasing the number of exemptions claim.
C. using a child-care tax credit.
D. ignoring the standard deduction Reset Selection
Mark for Review What's This?
Parents can reduce their taxes by using a child care tax credit. The government gives parents tax credit for each child that they have. Unlike tax deduction and exemption, tax credit can be able to reduce more in the parents’ tax bill. Tax deduction just tries to lower the taxable income and not a reduction in other areas.
Her opportunity cost of taking the quiz is the value of completed her calculus homework.
Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative foregone. That means the benefits that someone misses out on when chooses one alternative over another.
In this case, Sara herself tells us that she would have completed her calculus homework, which makes it her next best alternative foregone.
The opportunity cost for Sara of taking the quiz is the value of the time and knowledge she could have gained from completing her calculus homework, which is the best alternative she gave up.
The opportunity cost for Sara taking the quiz is the value of the calculus homework she could have completed instead. Understand that opportunity cost is a crucial concept in economics representing the value of the next best alternative that was foregone due to the decision made. Hence, when Sara chose to take the quiz instead of doing her calculus homework, the cost of this decision is the benefit or value she could have derived from completing her calculus homework.
b. meddles
c. metals
d. mettles