Answer: Glucose is the only sugar used by the body to provide energy for its tissues. Therefore, all digestible polysaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharides must eventually be converted into glucose or a metabolite of glucose by various liver enzymes. Because of its significant importance to proper cellular function, blood glucose levels must be kept relatively constant. Among the enormous metabolic activities the liver performs, it also includes regulating the level of blood glucose. During periods of food consumption, pancreatic beta cells sense the rise in blood glucose and begin to secrete the hormone insulin. Insulin binds to many cells in the body having appropriate receptors for the peptide hormone and causes a general uptake in cellular glucose. In the liver, insulin causes the uptake of glucose as well as the synthesis of glycogen, a glucose storage polymer. In this way, the liver is able to remove excessive levels of blood glucose through the action of insulin.In contrast, the hormone glucagons is secreted into the bloodstream by pancreatic alpha cells upon sensing falling levels of blood glucose. Upon binding to targeted cells such as skeletal muscle and brain cells, glucagon acts to decrease the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. This hormone inhibits the uptake of glucose by muscle and other cells and promotes the breakdown of glycogen in the liver in order to release glucose into the blood. Glucagon also promotes gluconeogenesis, a process involving the synthesis of glucose from amino acid precursors. Through the effects of both glucagon and insulin, blood glucose can usually be regulated in concentrations between 70 and 115mg/100 ml of blood.Other hormones of importance in glucose regulation are epinephrine and cortisol. Both hormones are secreted from the adrenal glands, however, epinephrine mimics the effects of glucagon while cortisol mobilizes glucose during periods of emotional stress or exercise.Despite the liver's unique ability to maintain homeostatic levels of blood glucose, it only stores enough for a twenty-four hour period of fasting. After twenty four hours, the tissues in the body that preferentially rely on glucose, particularly the brain and skeletal muscle, must seek an alternative energy source. During fasting periods, when the insulin to glucagons ratio is low, adipose tissue begins to release fatty acids into the bloodstream. Fatty acids are long hydrocarbon chains consisting of single carboxylic acid group and are not very soluble in water. Skeletal muscle begins to use fatty acids for energy during resting conditions; however, the brain cannot afford the same luxury. Fatty acids are too long and bulky to cross the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, proteins from various body tissues are broken down into amino acids and used by the liver to produce glucose for the brain and muscle. This process is known as gluconeogenesis or "the production of new glucose." If fasting is prolonged for more than a day, the body enters a state called ketosis. Ketosis comes from the root word ketones and indicates a carbon atom with two side groups bonded to an oxygen atom. Ketones are produced when there is no longer enough oxaloacetate in the mitochondria of cells to condense with acetyl CoA formed from fatty acids. Oxaloacetate is a four-carbon compound that begins the first reaction of the Krebs Cycle, a cycle containing a series of reactions that produces high-energy species to eventually be used to produce energy for the cell. Since oxaloacetate is formed from pyruvate (a metabolite of glucose), a certain level of carbohydrate is required in order to burn fats. Otherwise, fatty acids cannot be completely broken down and ketones will be produced.
Carbohydrates carry out various functions in our bodies such as providing and storing energy, providing structural support, and aiding in various biological roles. However, they do not play a role in the production of hormones.
Carbohydrates serve several critical functions in the body. They are broken down into glucose, contributing to energy production as ATP through metabolic pathways required for cellular function. They form a part of our diet in the form of grains, fruits, and vegetables and provide the necessary energy for our daily activities. Organisms use carbohydrates for diverse functions, including energy storage and structural support. Glycogen in animals and starch in plants are examples of carbohydrates used for energy storage. As for structural support, the modified polysaccharide chitin in fungi and animals or the polysaccharide cellulose in plants serve this purpose. Apart from these, sugars like ribose and deoxyribose form the backbones of RNA and DNA, respectively.
In a nutshell, carbohydrates supply energy, store energy, support structural roles, and aid in various other biological roles like in the immune system and cell-cell recognition. When there is an excess of carbohydrates, they are stored in the liver and skeletal muscles as glycogen, or converted into fat in adipose cells. However, one role that carbohydrates do not serve in the body is the production of hormones, which is mainly carried out by proteins and lipids.
Hershey and chase have concluded that DNA is not protein it was the genetic material.
Hershey and chase said that DNA is not protein it was the genetic material. They took a direct physical approach in finding the genetic material. They both determined that a protective coat was formed around the bacteriophage.
The internal DNA is not a protein, a genetic material. They used label to find it. The lack of 32p labeled DNA remaining in solution after bacteriohages are allowed to absorb the bacteria showed tha DNA was transferred into the bacterial cell.
The radioactive 35s in the solution shows that protein coat protects the DNA before adsorption.
They would have concluded that the protein coat also entered the bacterial cell and could not deduce that protein is the genetic material.
In their experiment, Hershey and chase found that all the DNA coated with 32 p were missing from the solution as bacteriophage after adsorption on bacterial cell their DNA was transferred to the bacterial cell. The presence of 32 S in the solution shows that the protein coat does not enter the cell during infection.
This way they concluded that DNA is the genetic material and not the protein.
Since phage infecting bacteria inserted their DNA into it and got replicated increasing their number. Also, protein is not involved in their growing numbers.
The nucleus. If a cell has a nucleus it is eukaryotic if it doesn't, it is prokaryotic.
Environments are constantly changing and animals can often adapt to these changes. Climate change also is forcing animals to interact with each other in new ways. For example, as the sea ice melts,polar bears spend more time on land, which brings them into greater contact with brown bears.