When choosing which details to include in your narrative, it is important to


Answer 1

Take into account the following steps:

  • We must define what will be the action that we are going to narrate and decide which characters will intervene. You have to choose some characters that have a personality, a way of being and acting. You have to think about the relationship between the characters. They can be companions, rivals, very friends ...
  • You have to organize the story in parts: initial event or approach, reaction - action or knot and solution or outcome.
  • We must place the action in space and time. It is important to give concrete details so that the story seems real and interesting.
  • It is necessary to specify how the story will be told; which will be the position of the narrator (first or third person) and which verb tense will predominate in the narration (present or past).
Answer 2
Answer: Try to determine your audience and purpose or write about how you became aware of something, gained a new way of seeing the world, a new insight. I think.

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PLEASE HELP!!! I NEED HELP QUICKLY!!!!`In his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama said:
"To attract new businesses to our shores, we need the fastest, most reliable ways to move people, goods, and information—from high-speed rail to high-speed Internet. Our infrastructure used to be the best, but our lead has slipped. The jobs created by the transcontinental railroad & the Interstate Highway System didn't just come from laying down track or pavement. They came from businesses that opened near a town's new train station or the new off-ramp.

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Persuasion. He es saying things to empathize with their people, he's saying things like "we need" as if he were part of them this is for people to feel familiarized and carried.


Which answer is correctly punctuated?(a) Mexico has rigid social, classes.
(b) Mexico has rigid, social classes.
(c) Mexico has, rigid social classes.
(d) Mexico has rigid social classes.


D is the correct answer because a comma is only used with adjectives if it makes sense when switched around.


(d) Mexico has rigid social classes


The correct answer is the letter "D". Commas are used in different types of occasions and situations. The sentence is stating a fact and that is why it doesn't need a comma; the message needs to be read clear. In letter "a", "b" and "c" the comma is used in a wrong way. Because it separates what it doesn't need to be separated; or it just simply stops the "flow" of the sentence.

Using slang words in public speaking is generally acceptable.
a. True
b. False


The answer is B. False.

Why would a modernist author write about the consequences of greed when an author from the age of reason wrote a book with a similar theme?


An author from the age of reason would write a book where the main topic would be greed, but he would do it in a very different manner from the modernist author, although the topic is relatively the same. This first author would write about greed, but only to present its bad sides, to say how and why greed is bad. Whereas a modernist author would talk about the same topic with the view to creating a society that knows no such sin, that is completely cleansed from it. 
Q - Why would a modernist author write about the consequences of greed when an author from the age of reason wrote a book with a similar theme?Possible answers:
A) to emphasize how authors are unable to come up with new ideas in fiction writing
B) to sell more copies of her book with a topic she knows is popular
C) to ensure that no other modernist can write a book about the consequences of greed
D) to put an end to the literary discussion about the consequences of greed
E) to show how the consequences have changed or remained the same over time

The correct answer is E.

Why is the word “They” capitalized in the following sentence? Most shoppers have the same goal: They want to find quality goods at low prices. It is the first word in a title. The information after the colon is a complete sentence. It is a conjunction with four or more letters. It is a proper adjective.


"The information after the colon is a complete sentence" is the correct answer. Although many people do not capitalize the first letter after a colon this is technically incorrect.

In American English, the first word after a colon is sometimes capitalized if it begins a complete sentence.

As it happens in this sentence:

The information after the colon is a complete sentence.

What is one certal idea of nurse and spy in the uniun army


Answer: A central idea i this book is that being a spy is quite dangerous. This can be perceived by the stunts done by the main character throughout the book in which she nearly got caught.