Please help in K12 Literature B! Unit 16 lesson 6 7th grade online test!1.

Based on City, which of the following did ancient Roman city builders most likely value?

leisure travel




City describes both an amphitheater and a theater being built in Verbonia. What can a reader infer about Roman culture?

The people liked to be entertained.

The people had conquered many other lands.

The people did not want to pay for recreation.

The people worked all day.

3. Which statement is true about City?

The author focuses only on city life as it was lived by members of the Roman upper class.

The author explains both the triumphs and the failures of ancient Roman city builders.

The author references actual historical people and places associated with Verbonia.

The author includes the Latin names of buildings and structures throughout the text.


What can be inferred about Roman society from the fact that, in City, men who die building Verbonia's amphitheater are buried in three different places?

All burial grounds were open to all Roman citizens.

The Roman population was so diverse that some people's bodies were sent back to their homelands.

There was a class structure that influenced where certain people would be buried.

The ancient Romans only buried people who paid for their funerals in advance.


Which statement from the text of City best shows that the author admires the work of ancient Roman city builders?

"During the construction of the amphitheater some formwork was accidentally moved before the concrete in the vault had completely set, killing twenty-five slaves, their foreman, and a senator observing the work from the ground."

"The two aqueducts still satisfied the city's water needs and the one-hundred-and-twenty-year-old sewer system was still operating flawlessly."

"As Verbonia's population steadily climbed, most landlords replaced their small apartment buildings with large apartment blocks."

"Stables and storerooms around the central courtyard were also rented out."

6. In City, why does the author invent various citizens and residents of Verbonia?

to draw readers into the story of the city's life

to impress readers with his creativity

to remind readers that Roman citizens preferred to live in cities

to shock readers with the strange names of the characters

7. In City, what can be inferred from the author's choice to include drawings of tools used by ancient Roman city builders?

He wants to show that cities can only be built with tools that are made from wood and stone.

He wants to show that tools are not totally necessary when building a city.

He wants to show that modern builders use many of the same tools that the ancient Romans used.

He wants to show that the ancient Romans used many tools that seem strange to modern readers.

8. Which statement is true about the language that the author uses in City?

The author includes technical terms that are specific to the field of architecture.

The author includes musical terms to suggest the artistry in the work of the city planners.

The author includes dialogue drawn from real records of ancient Roman conversations.

The author includes familiar slang words to appeal to modern readers.

9. Which statement from City contains an opinion?

"In the following three hundred years [Roman soldiers] created an empire extending from Spain to the Persian Gulf."

"[Roman city planners] decided how much water would be needed and the number and size of streets, sidewalks, and sewers."

"They were still safe and comfortable outdoor areas as originally intended in the master plan."

"To ensure their hold over [the lands they conquered] Roman soldiers built permanent military camps."


Answer 1
Answer: a is the answer to the first one
Answer 2


1) B





These questions appeared on my test but the rest of them didn't

Explanation:I took the test...... and failed:(

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The title is


Mysterious mania.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Write a short story.




Once upon a time, in a quiet, picturesque village nestled among rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was known for her unwavering curiosity and her passion for exploration. She would often disappear into the woods, her wild auburn hair trailing behind her like a comet's tail, and return with tales of her adventures that would captivate the entire village.

One sunny morning, as the golden rays of the sun kissed the village awake, Lily declared her intention to embark on a grand adventure beyond the forest that had always marked the boundary of her explorations. She had heard whispers from the older villagers of a mystical lake hidden deep within the heart of the woods, a place of unimaginable beauty and enchantment. Determined to find this hidden treasure, Lily packed her knapsack with some food, a water flask, and a tattered map she had found in her grandmother's attic.

With her heart full of excitement, she ventured into the woods. The forest was alive with the symphony of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and the gentle gurgle of a meandering stream. Hours turned into days as she followed the map's cryptic directions, navigating through dense undergrowth, crossing babbling brooks, and climbing steep hills.

One evening, just as the sun began to paint the sky with hues of orange and pink, she stumbled upon a magnificent sight. A lake of crystal-clear water stretched out before her, framed by ancient trees adorned with vines of radiant flowers. The surface of the lake reflected the colors of the setting sun, creating a breathtaking tapestry of shimmering gold and amber.

Lily approached the lake with reverence, slowly dipping her fingers into the water. To her astonishment, the lake shimmered, and a figure, ethereal and glowing, emerged from its depths. It was a water spirit, a guardian of the lake.

The spirit introduced herself as Elara, the protector of this enchanted realm. She told Lily the story of the lake and its magic—a place where wishes came true for those with pure hearts. But it came at a price, for every wish granted would be balanced by a good deed done in return.

Lily spent several days by the lake, making wishes and performing acts of kindness in the village, from helping the elderly to mending fences and planting trees. As she did, the village began to transform, its spirit rejuvenated by Lily's goodwill.

One day, as Lily returned to the lake to make her final wish, Elara appeared and thanked her for the kindness she had spread. Lily's final wish was not for herself but for the village, that it may forever thrive in happiness and harmony.

With a smile, Elara granted her wish, and the lake's waters shimmered brightly. Lily returned to her village, forever changed by her adventure, and the village flourished like never before.

Lily's story became a legend in the village, a reminder that even the most extraordinary adventures could start with the simplest of desires—to explore, to learn, and to spread kindness to all.

What are some persuasive 2 sided arguments that i can do for English? i need at least 3 ideas from our world today.


A persuasive essay persuades the reader by using reasons. 

I would suggest the following:-

- Can money buy happiness? I would suggest that you say 'no' and give reasons why.
- Should school have shorter school days?
- Should students wear uniforms at school?

should men be alowed to have more than one wife ? should animals be used for scientific reasearch ? wich country has the cutest guys ?  was shakesphere the best play writer   ?

Emotional appeal definition



An emotional appeal, otherwise called pathos, is one of the three persuasive modes in rhetoric, as analyzed by Aristotle (the other two being logos, an appeal through logic, and ethos, an appeal through ethics and values). Pathos in particular is the technique or mode through which a speaker evokes in the audience a feeling based on arguments founded upon emotions already residing in the audience.  

Emotional Appeal is a strategy of reasoned misconception where the persuader or debater attempts to win/convince by trying to get an emotional response or reaction from the opponent and audience.

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Its personification because they are giving the car a human emotion. #TeamAlvaxic
Personification, because the act of being temperamental is something humans do

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Imagery displays the sensual language of what is trying to be addressed.
The synonym for sensory language is “imagery”, also can be attributed as the descriptive details of an object. These sensory language is a one technique that writers and artists uses to relate with readers with the use of an image, description, movement or scenario. It utilizes the five sensory organs –eyes, nose, ears, touch and taste. For example, his white snowy skin is so bright.