Akhenaton was a leader of what country? Syria Greece Mesopotamia Egypt Azerbaijan and Iran are considered to be the origin of what language? Indo-Asian Indo-African Indo-European Indo-American


Answer 1
Answer: Akhenaton was a leader of what country? The answer is Akhenaton was a leader of the country Egypt.
Azerbaijan and Iran are considered to be the origin of what language? The answer is Azerbaijan and Iran are considered to be the origin of the language Indo-European.
Answer 2




He's also a character in the Marvel Universe, which is the only reason that I know who he is LOL

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The Twenty-Seventh Amendment is the most recent amendment to the Constitution. Its existence today can be traced to a college student who proposed the idea in a term paper and was given a C by his professor for the idea.In 1982, a college student, Gregory Watson, discovered that an amendment to the Constitution had been ratified by six states by 1792 and could still be added to the Constitution because Congress had never stipulated a time limit for states to consider it for ratification. Watson started a self-financed, grassroots campaign to get the amendment ratified. He wrote letters to state officials, urging them to pass the amendment. Maine was the first state to respond to Watson’s campaign, ratifying the amendment in 1983. In 1992, Michigan became the 38th state to ratify the amendment, casting the final vote needed to make the proposed amendment an actual part of the United States Constitution. The amendment that Watson lobbied for states the following: “No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.” In short, the Twenty-Seventh Amendment states that a sitting Congress cannot give itself a raise or cut its pay during its current session. Any pay raise or cut would take effect for the next Congress. Respond to all parts of the question. In your response, use substantive examples where appropriate. A. Describe the role of Congress in passing a constitutional amendment. B. Explain how the states affect the process described in Part A. C. The Equal Rights Amendment was passed by Congress but never ratified by the states. Many other proposed amendments have shared the same fate. Explain how the high bar in passing amendments, as illustrated in this example, reflects the Framers’ ideas about government.
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What are the differences between American Revolution and Texas Revolution


There were many differences between the American Revolution and the Texas Revolution. The Texas Revolution was over the secession of Texas from Mexico to become part of the United States. The American Revolution was over the independence of the 13 colonies from Great Britain. The Texas Revolution took place in from 1835 to 1836 whereas the American Revolution took place 1765 and 1783. 

-snopes one day i overheard the teacher tell the inspector that i was 'addled' and it would not be worthwhile keeping me in school any longer. i was so hurt by this last straw that i burst out crying and went home and told my mother about it. then i found out what a good thing a good mother is. she came out as my strong defender. mother love was aroused, mother pride wounded to the quick. she brought me back to the school and angrily told the teacher that he didn't know what he was talking about, that i had more brains than he himself, and a lot more talk like that. in fact, she was the most enthusiastic champion a boy ever had, and i determined right then that i would be worthy of her and show her that her confidence was not misplaced


that i would be worthy 

Piaget believed that language helped foster cognitive development. Please select the best answer from the choices provideda. True
b. False


That statement is true

piaget believe that language make the child developed the capabilities to do an observation of their own, which will dramatically improved their cognitive abilities in the process

hope this helps


the answer is true

Which state did Abraham Lincoln once represent in the United States congress?


Abraham Lincoln represented Illinois, since he was born their and he gained lots of representation their he agreed to represent them.

One way to reduce quantizing errors is to increase the sampling rate of the analog signal. True False





The sampling rate or frequency is the number of samples per unit of time taken from a continuous signal to produce a discrete signal, during the process necessary to convert it from analog to digital. Like all frequencies, it is usually expressed in hertz (Hz, cycles per second) or multiples of its own, such as kilohertz (kHz), although other quantities can be used.




The USCG performs 11 statutorily mandated missions, which are broken up into three distinct roles: Maritime Safety, Maritime Security and _________________.



"Maritime Stewardship around the globe" is the right solution.


  • The Coast Guard has been one of several armed personnel in our country. Whose founding principles - honor, loyalty, and commitment to duty seem to be the primary ideas that have been used to protect and maintain America.
  • The USCG legislation requires the very same specifications of clearance as the Technical guidelines, but perhaps the USCG rules and regs sometimes incorporate certain specific conditions analysis of existing operations of a build go well beyond the criteria including its IMO.