Bullying is very common among school aged children. It is unwanted and aggressive behavior from a person to another. It deals with real or perceive power imbalance. When a person is being hurt intentionally or on a purpose repeatedly by words or actions, it is bullying. There are different types of bullying behaviors, which can be classified into three: Physical, Verbal and Social.
Physical Bullying: This involves harming a person or stealing their possessions. Physical bullying includes:
- Hitting, kicking, pinching, biting, spiting
- Breaking or stealing someone’s possessions
- Touching another person without their consent
- Being mean and making rude hand gestures
- Intimidating another person
- Displaying emotional tyranny over person.
- Fighting
Verbal Bullying: this involves writing or saying mean things. Verbal Bullying includes:
- Teasing
- Unsuitable sexual comments
- Threatening to cause harm
- Name calling
- Nasty comment, abuse or jokes about a person and their family as a result of their race, culture, religion, incapacity or sexuality
- Inappropriate comment about somebody’s body or physical qualities, for example their weight or stature.
- Being arrogant in an harmful way
Social Bullying: this involves hurting someone relationship or reputation. It is also referred to as rational bullying. Social bullying includes:
- Ignoring someone’s out on purpose
- Advising other children not to be friend with someone
- Spreading rumor or gossip about someone
- Embarrassing someone in public
Why do people bully?
- The bully has experienced being bullied or the bully has been bullied before.
- The bully is isolated or lonely
- The bully has domestic problems
- The bully likes to impress
- The bully is jealous
- Have a low self esteem
- The bully likes to feel superior
What we should to stop or help the bullies?
- Teaching our children that bullying is bad in every way.
- By helping the bullied
- Bullying prevention
- Understanding why people bully and assist in solving problems confronting a bully.
- bullying this involves
- bullying includes
- physical bullying
- verbal bullying
- social bullying