B. They were cannibals.
C.They were over seven feet ball.
D. They lived in the Far East.
That is absolutely amazing! Good job.
To the Green Chapel come, I charge you, to take
Such a dint as you have dealt--you have well deserved. . .
B.) And the loss of my life would be least of any;
That I have you for uncle is my only praise;
My body, but for your blood, is barren of worth;
And for that this folly befits not a king,
And 'tis I that have asked it, it ought to be mine,. . .
C.) By heaven, I would hold me the happiest of men
If by word or by work I once might aspire
To the prize of your praise--'twere a pure joy!'. . .
D.) "Behold , sir," said he, and handles the belt,
"This is the blazon of the blemish that I bear on my neck;
This is the sign of sore loss that I have suffered there;
For the cowardice and coveting that I came to there;
This is the badge of false faith that I was found in there,
D.) "Behold , sir," said he, and handles the belt,
"This is the blazon of the blemish that I bear on my neck;
This is the sign of sore loss that I have suffered there;
For the cowardice and coveting that I came to there;
This is the badge of false faith that I was found in there,
The universe of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is represented by well-characterized codes of conduct. The code of chivalry, specifically, shapes the qualities and activities of Sir Gawain and different characters in the poem. The beliefs of chivalry get from the Christian idea of profound quality, and the defenders of gallantry try to advance otherworldly goals in a profoundly fallen world.
The goals of Christian ethical quality and noble valor are united in Gawain's emblematic shield. The pentangle speaks to the five excellencies of knights: friendship, generosity, chastity, courtesy, and piety. Gawain's adherence to these ethics is tried all through the sonnet, however the lyric looks at more than Gawain's own goodness; it asks whether sublime temperance can work in a fallen world. What is truly being tried in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight may be simply the chivalric system, symbolized by Camelot.
20. Read the paragraph. The sentences are numbered to help you answer the question.
(1) John was nice looking, and he did well in school. (2) However, John was also known for having a volatile personality. (3) One day, when his track coach criticized him, John lost his temper. (4) He stormed back to the locker room muttering under his breath. (5) When the incident was reported to his parents, John was grounded for a week. (6) He was also required to write a letter of apology to his coach.
Which two
sentences in the paragraph help you define the word volatile? A. 2 and 3 C. 4 and 6 B. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 6
21. Which of the following groups of words best defines the word volatile? A. Moody and thoughtful C. Anxious and depressed B. Temperamental and impulsive D. Bad-tempered and mean
22. Read the following paragraph. The sentences are numbered to help you answer the question.
(1) Many historians consider Abraham Lincoln one of the great presidents of the United States. (2) He led the nation through a great civil war and signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. (3) However, Lincoln’s critics point out that he freed the slaves only in the states that had broken away from the Union. (4) Therefore, it’s clear that Lincoln was more interested in hurting the South than in freeing the slaves.
Which sentence most clearly expresses opinion rather than fact? A. 1 C. 3 B. 2 D. 4
Reading Assessment 7
23. Read the paragraph and answer the question.
You can use trick sentences or rhymes as mnemonic devices to recall information. For example, you can recall this rhyme: “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” The rhyming of “2” and “blue” should help you remember that Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492. Or you can use the sentence “Every good boy does fine” to remember the notes of the treble clef in music notation. Simply name the first letter of each word in the “nonsense sentence” to remember E,G,B,D, and F—in that order. You can also recall information by using acronyms. An acronym condenses information into an abbreviation expressed as a set of capital letters. For example, WHO stands for the World Health Organization. To recall the names of the Great Lakes, you can associate the names of the lakes with the acronym HOMES to remember Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.
Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this paragraph? A. Mnemonic devices are silly sentences while acronyms are abbreviations. B. You can use mnemonic devices to recall information. C. Mnemonic devices are usually rhymes while acronyms require definitions. D. Acronyms are easier to recall than mnemonic devices, but both are useful.
Read the following paragraph to answer questions 24, 25, and 26.
Lucas was a voracious reader, absorbing novels, biographies, and popular science books. His standardized test scores were all quite high. He also got along fine with other kids during recess, laughing and playing like a perfectly normal twelve-year-old. But when the bell rang for class, his facial expression changed. An observer might have been reminded of a prisoner returning to his cell. In class, Lucas was one of those kids who slouched at his desk in the back of the room, gazing out a window or trying to find ways to allay his boredom. To that end, he often drew pictures of spaceships. He also drew pictures of dragons attacking spaceships. When truly inspired, he drew pictures of alien monsters attacking dragons, thus allowing his spaceships to escape to distant galaxies. Indeed, the inside of his desk was a dense clutter of these fanciful sketches. By late afternoon, too drowsy for dragons, alien monsters, or spaceships, Lucas would gaze hopefully at the white clock on the wall, willing the second hand to move faster, faster. Of course, it never moved faster, and, inevitably, he would only become more and more impatient with the painfully slow movement of the hour hand.
24. The main idea we can get from this paragraph is that A. Lucas was obsessed with science fiction. B. Lucas was irresponsible, but artistic. C. Lucas was smart and creative, but bored with school. D. Lucas was poorly adjusted and possibly mentally ill.
The word 'notables' indicates persons with political influence. 'Volatile' refers to a temperamental and impulsive nature as shown in John's situation. The statement about Lincoln's intention being solely to hurt the South is opinion-based. Mnemonic devices are tools to help recall information.
The word notables refers to those people who have political influence (D). For the definition of volatile, sentences 2 and 3 (A) in the paragraph about John shows his impulsive and temperamental reaction, hence the word 'volatile' is best defined as 'Temperamental and impulsive' (B). In the paragraph about Abraham Lincoln, sentence 4 (D) expresses an opinion and not a fact. The main idea of the paragraph about mnemonic devices is that you can use them to recall information (B). From the paragraph about Lucas, the main idea is that Lucas was smart and creative, but bored with school (C).