Every state except Nebraska has a bicameral legislator

true or false?


Answer 1
Answer: Is true that every state but Nebraska has a bicameral legislator
Answer 2




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Compared to the U.S., the nations of China and India have


Compared to the U.S., the nations of China and India have a somewhat limited Democracy (far more so with China, however), because the representation is not entirely equal. 

IDENTIFY amendments and their major ideas: number, right, purpose for the amendment.What rights would you add to the Bill of Rights? Read through them carefully and think of why. Then write out your new additions carefully.



Amendments Number| Their rights | Purpose and Example for the Amendment.


Amendment 1.Freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly. We can have w/e religion and we can say w/e we want and the freedom of press.

Amendment 2.Right to bear arms.Right to own a gun/weapon.

Amendment 3.Quartering Troops.Privacy in own homes.

Amendment 4.Searches and Seizures.You must have a reasonable cause to search a house and you must have a warrant.

Amendment 5.Rights of the accused person.To see if there's is enough evidence to bring the person to trial a person can not be tried more than once.

Amendment 6.Right to a speedy, fair trial.A person will not be thrown in jail without a trial.

Amendment 7.Civil Suits. The right of trial by jury shall be preserved.

Amendment 8. Bail and Punishment.Bail or punishment shall not be unreasonably severe.

Amendment 9.Powers reserved to the people.People's rights are not limited to those mentioned in the Constitution.

Amendment 10. Powers reserved to the States.Protects the states and people from a very powerful federal government.


The right I would add to the Bill of Rights would be... The right that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances.


Hope this helps!!

How were Japanese-Americans treated during World War ii


badly they were harrased and racially exluded because they were technically asian
poorly, they were put in concentration camps because most were suspected of being spies. they lost their homes and often families as they had to stay in these confined areas until the end of world war II when they were released. 

One of the purposes of the FDIC is to _____.keep savings and loans from going bankrupt
protect people's money in case a bank folds
provide protection for companies that go under
prevent big business monopolies and trusts


One of the purposes of the FDIC is to : protect people's money in case a bank folds.
Bank is also a from of business, which mean banks are also exposed to the risk of bankruptcy. In case that happen, FDIC will make sure that people won't lose their deposit amount to the bank and make sure that they're getting it back.

Hope this helps
Protect people's money in case a bank folds. 

It guarantees people's deposits in troubled banks but also give loans to banks in economically unstable environments to avoid their bankruptcy.

Even though it did not appear a WMD program might be in place, what did Hussein do that increased the fears of weapons inspectors?


He didn't allow inspectors to check his facilities and institutions which inspired fear that he was producing weapons of mass destructions and biochemical weaponry even more. In the end, it turned out however that he did not have them and that the technology he owned was way way behind what was initially expected. He just hid it so he could inspire fear so people wouldn't bother him.

The thing that Hussein did regarding the programs that increased the fears of weapons inspectors was that he didn't allow the inspectors to check the facilities and institutions.

What is a program?

It should be noted that program simply means the policies that are put in place in order to achieve a particular goal.

In this case, the thing that Hussein do that increased the fears of weapons inspectors was that he didn't allow the inspectors to check the facilities and institutions.

Learn more about programs on:



Which of the following is a bill that was proposed by a senator?


Is there no answers? It says "Which of the following",.. So what are the Answers? (A,B,C, etc.)