This statement signifies an emotional state of sadness.
A tragic story is a type of story that has an unhappy ending which normally leaves the audience sad or unhappy.
The sentence, “And he never saw her again” shows that a serious separation between two lovers happened at the end of the story.
Therefore the sentence signifies that the story is s tragedy.
Learn more about story here:
c. main text
b. table of contents
d. conclusion
the author himself
specific to the author's government officials
specific to the author's church
Option B. The audience of the preceding passage was the author himself.
"Of Plymouth Plantation" is the personal journal of William Bradford, who was the leader of the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. The journal tells the story of the colony through a span of over 30 years and it is considered the single most important source of information about the Pilgrims.
Although the journal became a famous history source read by many, Bradford never intended to publish it himself, therefore everything that was written in it, was originally written for the author himself.
B. By not fulfilling expectations
Irony, by its most simple explanation, is when the opposite of intention or of what was expected happens. Irony, too, can be described as an instance where one “shoots themselves in the foot,” so to speak. For instance, it would be ironic if one installs a smoke alarm or fire sprinkler system in one’s house in order to prevent a house fire, but because of an electrical short, the smoke alarm/sprinkler system ends up burning the house down. With that in mind, one way in which irony surprises the reader is by not fulfilling expectations.
b. False
In Short the answer is A