If a president is accused of breaking the 22nd amendment that means the president is trying to


Answer 1

The answer is : the president is trying to run for a third term.

The Twenty Second Amendment sets a limit on the number of times an individual is eligible for  election to the office of President of the United States.

The two-term tradition was established by George Washington ( there was no term limit previously ). President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first president in U.S history to win a third term, which caused confusion among the electorate and prompted discussions about the change of law.

The Twenty Second Amendment was approved by Congress on March 24, 1947 and it was ratified in 1957.

Under the Amendment, any individual who has been elected president twice, can not be elected again.

There had been several attempts to repeal the 22nd Amendment but non were given serious consideration.

Answer 2
Answer: Run for a third term

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Base your answer to question 14 on the passagebelow and on your knowledge of social studies.
… In the 193os, Sylvanus G. Morley of Harvard,
probably the most celebrated Mayanist of his day,
espoused [argued for] what is still the best-known
theory: The Maya collapsed because they
overshot the carrying capacity of their
environment. They exhausted their resource
base, began to die of starvation and thirst, and
fled their cities en masse, leaving them as silent
warnings of the perils of ecological hubris
— Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the
Americas Before Columbus
According to this passage, what was a major
question Morley was trying to answer about the
Mayas in the 193os?
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(2) What was the structure of the Maya
(3) How did religious beliefs affect the Maya
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This sentence indicates that Morley was primarily interested in figuring out how the invaders were able to damage the Maya people in the 1930s.

What do you know about Mayan Civilization?

The Maya are a group of Mesoamerican Indians that live in southern Mexico, Guatemala, and northern Belize in nearly continuous territory. More than five million individuals, the majority of whom were multilingual in Spanish, spoke about 30 Mayan dialects at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

The Maya had one of the most advanced civilizations in the Western Hemisphere prior to the Spanish conquest of Mexico and Central America.

They engaged in agriculture, constructed enormous stone structures and pyramidal temples, worked with gold and copper, and employed a hieroglyphic writing system that has now mostly been deciphered.

The Maya established an agriculture centered on the production of corn (maize), beans, and squash as early as 1500 BCE; by 600 CE, cassava (sweet manioc) was being grown. The Maya were a nomadic people who lived in villages.

Learn more about Mayan Civilization, from:



According to this passage, a major question Morley was trying to answer about the Mayas in the 1930s is how they were so able to get ruined by the colonizers.

Anti-Federalists argued thata) branches of government would keep each other in balance.
b) it was impossible to separate government into equal branches.
c) the Constitution would create a Republican government.
d) a Republic should protect people from the government and from each other.


Anti-Federalists argued that it was impossible to separate government into equal branches. So the answer is B. it was impossible to separate government into equal branches.


Second option


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True or False: The Sedition Act wascontroversial because it was a
violation of Free Speech.


Final answer:

The Sedition Act was indeed controversial because it restricted Free Speech during World War I. However, it was upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court, who reasoned that restricting speech during wartime is necessary for national security.


The Sedition Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1918 during World War I. This act made it illegal to speak or write anything critical of the government, the military, or the war effort. It was indeed controversial because it was seen as a violation of Free Speech, which is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

However, the act was upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court in the case of Schenck v. United States in 1919. The court reasoned that during times of war, the government has the right to restrict speech that presents a clear and present danger to national security.

So, while the Sedition Act did limit Free Speech rights, it was considered acceptable under the circumstances of wartime. It was repealed in 1920 after the end of World War I and is often seen as an example of the tension between national security and civil liberties.

Learn more about Sedition Act during World War I here:



Yes, it said that you couldn’t speak against the government. So yes. They jailed you for it.

In 1792, two years before Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, 138,000 pounds of Southern cotton were exported to England. By 1794, this number had increased to 1,600,000 pounds.How many more pounds/kilograms of cotton were exported in 1794?


In 1794, compared to 1792, 1.6 million pounds (or 726.6 kilos) of Southern cotton were exported to England.

This represents an increase of 1.46 million pounds (or 662 kilos). To put this in perspective, prior to Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin in 1794, the amount of Southern cotton exported from the United States had almost doubled. Furthermore, this increase was a result of improved labor efficiency brought about by the cotton gin.

Essentially, the cotton gin automated the process of separating the cotton fibers from the seeds and enabled workers to process nearly twice as much cotton in the same amount of time it would have taken to do it with just their hands. Thus, the cotton gin, and its subsequent increase of Southern cotton exports, served as a major driver of the Industrial Revolution.

To know more about Southern cotton exports, click here:




There was an increase of 1,462,000 pounds of cotton exported to England from 1792 to 1794 due to the invention of the Cotton Gin.


1,600,000-138,000=1,462,000 pounds or 663152.0449 Kilograms

1462000 lbs= 663152.0449 kgs

Why did stalin suffer from a sense of inferiority


Stalin suffered a sense of inferiority because he suffered severe scarring from a serious childhood disease. The scarring on his face was due to the disease of small pox that happened to him at the age of 7. He was also born with two adjoined toes in his left foot. His left arm also was a bit shorter than his right arm because of an accident that he suffered at the age of 12.


a childhood disease. (apex)
