Although the words “mentioned” and “declared” have similar meanings, they are different because _____.


Answer 1
Answer: They are different because they have distinct denotations. Denotations give the literal meaning of the word. According to macmillan dictionary, “mentioned”  refer to something briefly without going into detail and “declared” means saying something in an empathic manner. 
Answer 2
Answer: Mentioned is to refer to something briefly and without going into detail. "I haven't mentioned it to William yet" While Declared is to say something in a solemn and emphatic manner. "he declared that he never revises his prose"

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Well, I would say that the relation here is "word" :definition:
to pride in one's national identity is the definition of "nationalism"

So what is the word for  a group of people who share a common identity, a sense of unity, and a desire for- this would be a "nation"!

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Dear friends.

I believe that we are all young, educated, civilized and in full control of our mental faculties. In addition, I know that we are all concerned with maintaining the environment around us and the reputation of our school, which is one of our great responsibilities. However, I believe that we should never fail to mention some rules and guidelines that should be carried out by people like us during our picnics, during school trips.

Override these rules, I would like to highlight the most important ones, which I urge you to remember and follow by everyone. First of all, we must throw all the garbage produced by us in the appropriate places for this and not leave any kind of residue in the places we use to feed ourselves, this will allow a clean and pleasant environment. We must also avoid carrying disposables and avoid excessive noises that may disturb people outside our social cycle. Last, but not least, we must not feed animals that eventually appear, in addition to not disturbing the nature around us.

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Chimpanzees. I chose this because we share the most common dna between us and they are the closest to humans, this animal is becoming extinct due to chopping or cutting down trees in the jungle which is there habbitat,and to stop this we need to have stricter laws and a form of protective services for these animals like rangers,to prevent barbarians from countinuing this behavior,we should save them because A. There alive with feelings,and they come plenty usefully scientifically, scince there close to humans we test on them,and could further help develope our scientific way of life

The process of dividing into parts to study the whole is called the _____A) analytical pattern

B) literary pattern

C) holistic pattern


Answer: option A) analytical pattern.

Analytical pattern /approach consists into breaking the problem/sbuject into smaller pieces which are easier to study.

The process of dividing into parts to study the whole is called the analytical pattern. Option A is correct.

When studying a topic or a lesson, it is fundamental to carry out a good organization, especially, if the lesson contains too much material and explanation to be learnt. One great way to organize the information is to divede it into parts, in order to deal with each single part at a time, thus, the concepts can be a better grasped.

The theme of a story is usually revealed during which part of the plot?Rising action



Falling action


The theme of a story is usually revealed during the rising action part of the plot. Thus, option first is correct.

What is theme?

A theme is a central topic, subject, or message of a story. Themes are classified into two types: thematic concepts and thematic statements. Thematic concepts are what readers "believe the work is about," while thematic statements are "what the work says about the topic."

Despite the fact that the concept is addressed throughout the novel, a reader may completely understand a much clearer significance of everything that the author established throughout the increasing action.

All the actions and conditions developed in the novel heighten the suspense in the growing action. Unexpected disclosures or situations occur during this point in the story, which frequently relate the prior exposition to the main key subject. As a result, option first is correct.

Learn more about theme here:


Final answer:

The theme of a story is commonly revealed during the resolution, after being hinted at and developed in the earlier plot stages, especially during the rising action and climax.


The theme of a story is often most clearly revealed during the resolution of the plot, though hints about the theme may be presented during the exposition and developed throughout the rising action and climax. During the resolution, the various threads of the story come together and the overall message or moral is frequently conveyed. While the rising action and climax build tension and present conflicts, the resolution typically reflects on these events, offering a clearer understanding of the story's deeper meanings and the themes it explores.

Learn more about Theme Revelation in a Story here:


An author's purpose in using rhetoric is to A. present facts as they really are.
B. separate realism from idealism.
C. provide hints as to what's going to happen.
D. create a certain effect for the reader.


An author's purpose in using rhetoric is to create a certain effect for the reader.

Rhetoric refers to the use of the figure of speech and other techniques through persuasive and effective writings. The use of the figure of speech helps the author to connect with the reader and vice- versa. It helps in the better understanding and feeling of the story-line.

Some of the examples of rhetorical devices are:

  • Alliteration (repetition of initial consonant sound)
  • Simile (comparison of one object with another, not literal)
  • Onomatopoeia (imitation of the word described.)
  • Hyperbole (exaggeration of words), and so on.

D. Create a certain effect on the reader.  

Rhetoric refers to a literary technique of creating an emphatic effect on the reader by using diction and figure of speech, and effective sentence structures and arrangement. By using rhetoric, the author attempts to connect with the reader and convey them the thoughts that they wish to express through their writings. The use of rhetoric makes it easy for the reader to understand the plot and context of the writing. Rhetoric helps to establish the flow of the storyline. Some of the most popular examples of rhetoric are alliteration, simile, onomatopoeia, metaphors and hyperbole.

Further Explanation:

The principal effect of rhetoric is to create an effect of persuasion for the reader and engage them within the text. Rhetoric is supposed to provide a convincing tone to the text. Rhetoric is very commonly used in political speeches, as the main goal of speeches is to convince people in their truth and have a sense of urgency about them. Every piece of literature transports the audience to the world created by the author, and they share in the thoughts and dwellings of the author through the rhetoric woven around the text. Rhetoric disconnects the reader from the feeling of disbelief and makes him or her accept this created world of the author from the text. Some common forms of rhetoric are similes, comparison with any entity, use of literary devices such as metaphor, alliteration, repetition, hyperbole or use of sound effects such as onomatopoeia. These literary devices simply enrich the text, making it a worthy read.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: The use of rhetoric in English literature.  

Subject: English


Persuasion, literary emphasis, compelling tone, rhetoric, alliteration, metaphor, simile, comparison, onomatopoeia.

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