Which of the following best describes a noncontact force


Answer 1


a force that is able to act at a distance



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1. Initial velocity 5m/s, finalvelocity 36km/hr,
acceleration 1.25m/s/s.





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IMPORTANT QUESTIONS1. Write the three equations of motion.
2. In which condition distance and displacement are equal?
3. Is acceleration scalar or vector?
4. What is the difference between mass and weight?
5. What is the difference between 'G' and 'g'?
6. Why can't you feel an attraction force between you and your friend?
7. Uniform circular motion is accelerated motion Why?
8. What is the weight of a person in the surface of moon?
9. A ship is moving at a speed of 56km/h. one second later, it is moving at 58km/h. What is its
10. What is the area under velocity-time graph gives?
11. Explain the use of seat belt in car.
12. Why the school bags have wide strap?
13. Camel can easily walk through the desert. Why?
14. Draw the following displacement-time graphs represent cases
a. Stationary object
b. Uniform motion
c. No uniform motion
15. Draw the following speed-time graphs represent cases
a constant speed
b. speed decreasing uniformly
c. speed increasing uniformly



1)   v = u + at

     s = ut + 1/2 at²

     v² = u² + 2as

2) The distance is equal to the displacement when their magnitude is the same.

3) Acceleration is a vector quantity

4) Mass is the quantity of matter present in a body. Its SI unit is Kg. The weight is the action of gravitational force on the body. Its SI unit is newton.

5)  G - Universal gravitational constant (6.673 x 10⁻¹¹ Nm²Kg⁻²

     g - acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²)

6) It is because the magnitude of the attractive force between two people is negligible when compared with the gravitational force of Earth.

7) In a uniform circular motion, the body is continuously changing its direction. If there is a change in the direction there is an act of force acting on the body. It will in accelerated motion.

8) Due to the lesser gravitational force of the moon, the weight of the person on the moon is very low compared with the weight of the person on Earth. On the surface of the moon, the person will experience only 16.5% of his weight on the Earth.

9) The rate of change of velocity by time gives acceleration. Therefore the acceleration of the ship is when the velocity is converted to m/s

                                       a = (16.11 - 15.56)/1

                                        a = 0.55 m/s²

10) The area is equal to the displacement

11) The seat belt stops the movement of a body where newton's first law is applicable.

12) The pressure acting on a body is inversely proportional to the surface area. So, when the surface area is the increased impact of pressure on the shoulders can be minimized. So, the schoolbags have wider straps.

13) The camels have broader toe compared to the toe of the horse. So, it can walk easily through the sands.

How long ago did the Big Bang happen?


approximately 13.8 billion years ago.
the big bag happened around 13.7 Billion years ago, according to the standard big bag theory (not the show the scientific theory), sprang in to existences as singularity.

Why do ice cubes always float at the top of a glass of water?


Because water is a very very very very very unusual substance ... It's
the only known substance whose solid form is less dense than its liquid
form near the same temperature.

In other words, water is the only known substance for which a solid lump
of it floats in a liquid glass of it.

If that were not true ... if the behavior of the density of water around its
freezing temperature were the same as the density of all other known
substances ... then life on Earth would be impossible.

Think about that for a while !  Ya gotta admire whoever it was that designed water !

because ice is less dense than liquid water

When you are in bed asleep, are you in motion? Explain


Typically when you fall asleep your brain puts your body into a temporary state of paralysis. This does not always affect you fully however, which is where people sleep walk and other such things like that. Similarly, your brain does not always wake up all at once, which is why it is possible to wake up and not be able to move for awhile.
Yes, you are moving, your chest moves up and down while you are breathing. The only time you would truly be devoid of motion is when you are deceased.

In your own words, define the following terms. Radiation, Convection, and conduction.


Radiation: transferred energy
Convection: Transfer of heat
Conduction: transfer of electric charge