Select the correct text In the passage.In Antigone, Haemon emerges as a defender of the citizens' cause in the face of his father's tyranny. Which lines in this excerpt from the play
reflect Haemon's respect for the Theban citizens' opinions?


Answer 1


And, as thy son, it falls to me to mark

The acts, the words, the comments of the crowd.

The commons stand in terror of thy frown,

And dare not utter aught that might offend,

But I can overhear their muttered plaints,

Know how the people mourn this maiden doomed

For noblest deeds to die the worst of deaths.


Answer 2


says he is a defender of the citizens cause. therefore he cares about their opinion even more then his father.

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b.Zaroff is a person without a conscience, but Rainsford has one.


i did it in edgenuity


b.Zaroff is a person without a conscience, but Rainsford has one.


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Hope this helps! Youre welcome to give brainlists!

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What caused Brian to cry until he was all cried out, was the feeling that he could no longer continue.


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Hope I helped :)

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