sting rays, lamphreys and trout
b. Remora fish attaching themselves to sharks
c. Birds feeding on insects stirred up by grazing animals
d. Birds eating scraps of food from a crocodile’s teeth
The correct answer would be a. Tapeworms living in a mammal’s intestinal tract.
Parasitism refers to the relationship between two organisms or species in which one organism lives in or on the body of the other.
The organism which lives on the body of the other is termed as the parasite while the other organism is termed as the host.
The parasites derive their nutrition from the host but they do not kill their host at once.
Examples may include tapeworm, hookworm, Plasmodium,flukes, fleas et cetera.
The tapeworm are the flat segmented flatworm that live as parasite in the intestine of the mammals. They derive their nutrition from the partly digested food of the host. It deprived the host of nutrients.
b. ecological effects of energy
c. ecological effects of extinction or species introduction
d. species relocation
Variation in gene pool
Lack of mutations
Absence of natural selection
B. Thymine
C. Cytosine
D. Guanine