The answer is temporary isolation
Further Explanation
Temporary isolation (temporal)
Two species that mate at different times (days, seasons or years), the gametes will never mix.
The Process of Evolution In the 3.5 billion years since life appeared on earth, evolution has produced a very wide variety of living things. Millions of species evolve, while others cannot survive and become extinct. By studying the fossil record, scientists study evolution patterns.
According to Darwin, variations in the population are the "raw material" of evolution. Because mutations can produce variations, they are also considered evolutionary raw materials. Through natural selection, these variations are selected and leave organisms with properties that are appropriate to their environment. But how can evolution produce new species, even different kingdoms?
When Darwin proposed his theory, he was not aware of the existence of genes, DNA, and the mechanism of mutations that can cause variations. Darwin is also not familiar with genetics and molecular biology.
Speciation is the process of forming new species. According to his understanding, species are populations of living things that can reproduce each other and produce fertile offspring. However, it cannot reproduce with other groups. Based on this, it is seen that reproduction between one species with another species is impossible because there is isolation between species. Therefore, the key to species is reproductive isolation.
Prazigote Isolation is isolation that causes two species cannot mate or isolation that prevents fertilization. Based on the cause, isolation of the prazigote is divided into 5, as follows:
Learn more
the process of evolution
definition of speciation
definition of prazigote isolation
definition of temporary isulation
Grade: High School
Subject: Biology
keywords: Temporary isulation, Speciation, Process of evolution, prazigote isolation
for by this DNA segment? [1]
If a mutation occurs, leaving 12 bases, the maximum number of amino acids that could be coded for by this DNA segment is 12.
"It is any change in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA."
it is a hereditary material composed of repeating units known as deoxyribonucleotide.
It is a three-nucleotide sequence in a DNA or RNA molecule that together code for an amino acid.
To learn more about mutation, DNA and amino acid here,
B. ciliates.
C. dinoflagellates.
D. euglenoids.
(B) Separation of homologous chromosomes
(C) Crossing over
(D) Separation of sister chromatids, with one chromatid pulled toward each pole
(E) Assembly of chromosomes along the equatorial plane
ADP converts to ATP during the last phase of cellular respiration known as oxidative phosphorylation. This transformation happens in the mitochondria, where energy is stored and later transformed into usable energy.
ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) can be converted to ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) during the process known as cellular respiration. This specific transition takes place in the last stage of cellular respiration, more specifically, during the phase known as oxidative phosphorylation, which occurs in the mitochondria of the cell.
Here, the energy from electrons transferred along the electron transport chain is used to pump protons across the mitochondrial membrane, creating a gradient. This gradient is then used to drive ATP synthesis when ADP combines with a phosphate group turning ADP into ATP, thus converting stored energy into usable energy.
The right answer is the catalyst.
In chemistry, a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction; it participates in the reaction but it is neither part of the products nor reagents and therefore does not appear in the equation-balance of this reaction.
The catalyst accelerates, sometimes in considerable proportions, the chemical reaction, but it is not consumed: either it does not participate in the reaction but its presence facilitates the breakage of the bonds, or it participates but is regenerated at the end.
Catalysts are widely used in industry and laboratory.
In nature and in biochemistry, some proteins have catalytic activity. They are enzymes.