This scenario follows Newton's third law of motion which alludes to the fact that for every force or action exerted by a person on a body there is an equal and opposite reaction exerted back.
Because there is a limited frictional force (a force exerted by an object when an object moves across it) between
Here, the paddle helps the boatman apply a force on the water, resulting in the opposite amount of force been sent back; pushing the boat forward.
The thylakoids are arranged in tight stacks called grana (singular granum).
A stack of thylakoids is called a grana.
Thylakoids are flattened, membrane-bound structures found within the chloroplasts of plant cells and some photosynthetic bacteria. They contain the pigments and other molecules necessary for the process of photosynthesis.
A grana is formed when multiple thylakoids stack on top of each other. These stacks are connected by intergranal lamellae, which are extensions of thylakoid membranes that link adjacent grana together.
The arrangement of thylakoids into grana is important for the efficiency of photosynthesis. It increases the surface area available for light absorption and provides a structured organization for the flow of electrons and energy during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.
In summary, a stack of thylakoids is called a grana. This organization of thylakoids plays a vital role in the process of photosynthesis by providing an efficient structure for light absorption and electron transport.
water table
respiration of animals
The answer is that it gets nitrogen from the soil.
insulin would be your answer.