Select the FIVE categories of My Plate. protein fruits vegetables grains dairy oils carbohydrates


Answer 1
Answer: Fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and protein.
Answer 2

I believe the answers are






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Antibiotics are the treatment of choice for __________.a. strep throat and bacterial pneumonia b. the common cold and influenza c. meningitis and the common cold d. influenza and strep throat
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Amanda (age 39) lives a very hectic life that allows for little sleep. She doesn't eat a healthy diet or exercise. She is worried because her mother developed heart disease at the age of 40. What are the uncontrollable risk factors in Amanda's situation? A. environment, stress, lack of sleep B. diet, age, and lack of exercise C. gender, diet, and the environment D. heredity, age, and gender


Diseases like heart disease can be controlled to a certain extent. However, there are a certain number of issues that are beyond our control. We can control certain aspects like our diet and stress in our lives. Unfortunately, we can't change who we are. Our age, family history and gender can all effect our susceptibility to some issues.

Lady A lives a very tough life due to which she got very little sleep. Also, she takes a poor diet and does not indulge in any physical activity.

Further Explanation:

Lifestyle choices are very crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle choices can be bad or good and they can affect the health of an individual negatively or positively. Positive lifestyle choices prevent illness and disease-free health. Some examples of positive lifestyle choices are physical activity and a healthy diet. Lack of sleep is a negative lifestyle choice.

  • activity reduces the risk of many cardiovascular diseases and increases life expectancy.
  • A diet which has a high amount of nutrients, fibers, protein, and carbohydrate are very good for health.
  • Lack of sleep is a negative lifestyle choice that affects the health of an individual. Lack of sleep develops the condition of stress. Too much sleep and lack of sleep increase the risk of death and severe cardiovascular stress.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Lifestyle


Lifestyle, physical activity, fibers, protein, life expectancy, amount, nutrient, diet, protein, carbohydrate, stress, risk, death.

The best way to prevent heat exhaustion while exercising is to


The best way to prevent heat exhaustion is to drink a lot of water throughout your exercise session, especially when outside in hot weather. It is also important to take lots of breaks when necessary, so as not to push your body to breaking point and therefore cause more harm than good.

Describe the five types of anxiety disorder



Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is marked by a chronic, high-level anxiety that interferes with daily activities and relationships and is not tied to any specific threat. Panic disorder is characterized by a distinct period of intense fear or discomfort in the absence of any real danger. Phobic disorder is characterized by persistent and irrational fears of a stimulus that doesn't pose any real danger. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by persistent and unwanted obsessions or compulsions. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the development of psychological disturbances following exposure to a traumatic event or situation.


There is

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety
Panic Disorder

Which of the following factors can influence the development and progression of noncommunicable diseases?a. diet choices
b. genetics
c. air quality
d. all of the above


The answer is letterD.

Non-communicable diseaseare non-infectious and non-transmittable. They refer to chronic diseases of thebody which last for long periods of time and has a nature of slowlyprogressing. Diseases include stroke, cancers, diabetes, asthma, kidneydisease, among others. These diseases are directly link to a person’s genes,diet choice, and poor air quality. Since these diseases are chronic in nature,chronic treatment is also necessary. If left untreated the diseases may lead todifferent complications in the body or worst, death. 

Non-communicable diseases have a lot to do with the kind of food that a person eat or diet choices(optionA).

What are non-communicable diseases?

Non-communicable diseases refers to those diseases that can not be transmitted from person to person. They can only be suffered by one person without moving it on to another.

Such diseases have a lot to do with the kind of food that a person eat or diet choices.

Learn more about non-communicable


Errors in treatment can include unintentionally emitting a required signature on the medical record be eligible treatment notes in the patient's chart seat failure to treat in a timely manner d prescribing medication correctly?


The given question is wrong. The correct question is:

Errors in treatment can include: A. unintentionally omitting a required signature on the medical record. B. illegible treatment notes in the patient's chart. C. failure to treat in a timely manner. D. prescribing medication correctly.    

Answer: B. illegible treatment notes in the patient's chart.


Treatment errors are defined as the errors found in the performance of an operation, test, or procedure; in the dosage or method of drug use;  in the administration of treatment; and inappropriate care.

Illegible treatment notes in the patient's chart is one of the treatment error, in which reports of patients are not clear. One will be unable to examine accurately about patient's story, and fails to result in accurate billing and claims filing.

It can cause several other problems including lose of license,  inappropriate billing leading to charges of fraud, inaccurate quality and care information, and  lost revenue/reimbursement etcetra.

Hence, the correct option is B.

Is it still safe to say shelters are less expensive than clinics?


Yes, shelters are generally less expensive than clinics when it comes to providing basic care and temporary housing for individuals in need. However, it's important to note that clinics offer specialized medical services and treatments that may be necessary for certain health conditions. The cost comparison may vary depending on the specific services and resources provided by each facility.