A spring (k = 20 N/m) sits on a frictionless surface. The spring is compressed 20 cm and a 2 kg mass is placed before the spring and released from rest. How much time passes between the time that the mass is at the point x = 0 m and x = 2.0 m? A.) 4.34s B.) 1.42s C.) 2.48s D.)0.23s E.)none of the above


Answer 1


E.)none of the above


Elastic energy = kinetic energy

½ kx² = ½ mv²

v = x √(k / m)

v = 0.2 m √(20 N/m / 2 kg)

v = 0.632 m/s

Time to travel 2.0 m:

t = (2.0 m) / (0.632 m/s)

t = 3.16 s

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Because acceleration depends not only on the change in velocity.
It also depends on the time during which the change occurs.
The formula is

Acceleration = (change in velocity) divided by (time for the change) .

Maybe Sla changed his velocity in 3 seconds, but Hazel
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Regardless of the path taken, at the end of the trip Mrs. Patil will be 8.0 miles away from home. If the path taken involves a trip lasts 0.25 hours, then the average velocity over the trip is

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the moon



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So the correct answer would be the stars do NOT have an influence on the Moon phases.

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Assuming the ground has 0 height, than there would be no potential energy.

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