Eliminating choices to help identify the best answer is not a valid and useful test taking strategy.Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Answer 1

The correct response is - Eliminating options is an excellent test-taking technique. Sometimes it is simpler to state why a response is incorrect than to clarify why the greatest response is correct. Usually, two options may be ruled out right away. The remaining two choices—the best and second best—are then up for selection by the test-taker.

What is a Strategy?

A strategy is an overarching plan to accomplish one or more long-term or broad goals in the face of uncertainty.

Setting goals or objectives, conducting analysis, developing a plan, putting that strategy into action, and monitoring that approach are the five stages of the process. The strategic management approach entails more than just adhering to a set of guidelines. It is a way of doing business that is philosophical.

The key policy decisions or significant difficulties that must be resolved for a community to realize its vision are known as strategic issues. A community takes a proactive approach to establish itself for the future rather than merely responding to issues when it addresses "strategic" challenges.

To read more about Strategy, refer to - brainly.com/question/15860574


Answer 2


Eliminating choices is a great test taking strategy. Sometimes it is easier to say why an answer is wrong rather than explain why the best answer is right. Most of the time two answers can be eliminated immediately. Then the test taker must decide between the last two options: the best one, and the second best one.

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1. What is the difference between hieroglyph and hieratic writing?
A - Hieroglyph writing is easier to write than hieratic.
B - Hieratic writing uses very simple symbols.
C - Hieratic writing is easier to write than hieroglyph writing.
D - There are no differences between the two.


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C - Hieratic writing is easier to write than hieroglyph writing. " the difference between hieroglyph and hieratic writing is that C - Hieratic writing is easier to write than hieroglyph writing. 

Can you help me interpret this quote please"If you are silent about your pain then they will kill you ,and say that you have enjoyed it"
By Zora Neale Hurston


It means that if you do not speak up about being depressed or "in pain" people around you that you interact with will unknowingly kill you on the inside and when/if you speak up they will assume you enjoyed it because you did not speak up before. Its a metaphor you see... if someone were to continuously stab you and you didnt speak up, they would stab you to death and assume you liked it for not acknowleding your pain. (excuse my terrible grammar im using an uncomfortable tablet with no auto correct and am trying to type this fast.)

Final answer:

Hurston's quote emphasizes the dangers of remaining silent about one's suffering, as well as the importance of self-expression and advocacy. It is often used in discussions on societal issues like inequality and discrimination.


The quote by Zora Neale Hurston, "If you are silent about your pain then they will kill you, and say that you have enjoyed it" speaks to the themes of oppression, silence, and the oppression of personal truth. It suggests that if a person does not openly speak about their suffering or struggle, others may take advantage of their silence, hurting them in the process and afterwards, justifying their actions by claiming the person enjoyed it.

The 'they' in the quote could refer to anyone - oppressors, society, or an individual causing harm. The 'pain' could represent any form of suffering. The quote emphasizes the importance of self-expression and advocacy, implying that silence in the face of injustice could be misinterpreted as consent or enjoyment.

This quote is often used to discuss societal issues such as discrimination, inequality, abuse such as racial and gender inequalities, where the individuals suffering often feel silenced by those in power.

Learn more about Interpreting Quotes here:



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1. What mark of punctuation is most closely associated with interjections?A. Comma
B. Quotation marks
C. Period
D. Exclamation point


Answer: D. exclamation point

Among comma, quotation marks and period, exclamation point is considered to be the most closely associated with interjections. Interjection is one of the many parts of speech that is intended to convey emotion. The expression of these emotions can be effectively done with the use of exclamation point.

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b. Thomas Paine's Common Sense
c. Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence
d. John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania


I'd say that the correct answer is A) Patrick Henry's 'Give me liberty, or give me death', because of all four, it is the most emotional, whereas the other options are mostly legal or revolutionary. 

Patrick Henry's 'Give me liberty, or give me death'-APEX

How does contextual information about the Klondike gold rush help readers understand Jack London’s story and his purpose in the excerpt from “To Build a Fire”?


It provides context and insight into the motivations, fears and actions of both the main character and the secondary characters. The best examples are the use of characters who are expert trappers and who obviously respect and fear nature due to its power of both creation and destruction. The old man repeatedly warns him against traveling alone in the cold wilderness of winter. There is also the description of the way the main character and other trappers are dressed,  with “thick German socks”.  He also advises him to pay attention to his dog and heed its warnings.

The dog character shows how ungrateful, proud and ignorant he is as the dog is trying to accompany him and assist him and he fails to heed the dog’s instinctive warnings that his course of action will inevitably lead to his demise. The falling is not only physical but symbolic as he will fall due to his hubris. The fact that both the dog and the extreme cold represent both faces of nature underscores the man’s failure to use the more benign face to his advantage, foreshadowing his later death. The dog’s ears are flattened out of submission and they mirror the psychological ears of the man who fails to listen to all the warning of other expert trappers and nature. Finally, the power of nature is made very explicit as it is typified as the winner of his losing battle with it.

To Build a Fire  - the story of the famous American writer Jack London; popular version was published in 1908.This story is a prime example of the conflict between man and nature. Jack London reflected in the story of his own life in the Yukon Territory.

The protagonist travels through one of the trails of the Yukon in a very cold day (-75 ° F / -59 ° C), accompanied by a dog. He goes on the trail along the creek, conscious of the danger of natural traps that are generated by mining underground streams, because in such a wet cold would have meant certain death. Continuing the way, the traveler sinks knee-deep in water. He recalls an old man who had warned him that no man should not travel alone on the Klondike, if the temperature is below -50 ° F (-46 ° C).Traveler gets scared and he is preparing a fire to dry their clothes and do not die from the cold.