What strategy did NAACP attorney Robert Carter use during the Brown vs. Board of Education case


Answer 1
Answer: he put an African American girl on the stand to testify about the school she went to

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13. Which of these factors helped hide economic problems in the 1920s? (1 point)Investors lost confidence in the market. Farmers sold crop surpluses to pay off their debts. Americans purchased many consumer goods on credit. Wages increased at the same pace as worker productivity. 14. Farmers contributed to the problems that led to the Dust Bowl by (1 point)putting down new layers of topsoil. moving off of the plains to find new farmland. damming western rivers and using irrigation techniques. using intensive farming practices that removed protective grasses.


One of the factors that helped hide economic problems in the 1920's was that Americans purchased many consumer goods on credit. 

Farmers contributed to the problems that led to the dust bowl by using intensive farming practices that removed protective grasses.

13. Americans purchased many consumer goods on credit.

The end of the Great War saw the United States’ commitment towards restructuring its industrial production and economy to pre-war levels when the highest levels of commercial production were obtained. All American industries were committed to introducing new consumer products in the market, which was designed to introduce the purchaser to the modern standards of living, A general sense of economic prosperity prevailed, with a significant amount of cash flow within the economy. During this period, the credit system was formulated, which allowed consumers to possess luxury items or commodities on credit, which meant that they would not require to pay the entire amount at the time of purchase, but could pay small monthly installments over a certain time period.

14. Farmers continued to use intensive farming practices that removed protective grasses.  

Agricultural production also made significant strides to supply ample grain to feed the increasing working population of the United States. This led the farmers to employ extensive agricultural methods to ensure the maximization of agricultural output. The farmers intensively cultivated the fertile semi-arid prairie lands to gain maximum profits and earn back their invested amounts, but the loss of protective grass cover and soil conditioning led to massive droughts, causing the wind to blow away the fertile layer of topsoil. With the loss of fertility, the lands were rendered barren.

Further Explanation:

13. The credit system had its own contributions to the outcome of the Great Depression. The constant issuing of credit by banks was considered profitable, as the banks would be able to charge a certain amount of interest on the loans issued. However, as the stock market crashed, panicked American citizens tried to sell all of their stocks so that they could get some of the money invested, which resulted in stock prices falling to their lowest levels imaginable. With no money in circulation, banks closed their doors, as people lost their savings and jobs. With no access to income, people could not repay their credit amounts, resulting in shops going bankrupt.

14. The mechanization of farming techniques was adopted by farmers to increase agricultural output. However, excessive production led to a significant lowering of wheat prices, which made farmers incur heavy losses on their investments. To reduce losses, farmers brought more land under extensive cultivation, without making arrangements for fallow land to recover. The grass cover held the precious topsoil, and its removal led to loss of fertile topsoil by the winds blowing away, thereby rendering the land barren and unfit for further cultivation.

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1. Briefly explain at least two social issues that could lead to environmental injustice.


2. The constitution regulates government powers by


Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: The Great Depression

Subject: History


Great Depression, production, money flow, credit, crashing of the stock market, farming, mechanization of agriculture, erosion of topsoil, overproduction.

Which TWO forms of government found in the first half of the twentieth century are MOST alike?


Answer: Authoritarianism and totalitarianism

Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes are not equivalent, even though they do share many commonalities. Authoritarian regimes are those in which the power lies in the hands of a single actor. This could be a dictator, or a group of people, such as a junta. Their main purpose is controlling power. Totalitarian regimes, on the other hand, go much further, and they want to control all aspects of life, including the economy, art, science, private life and morality of citizens.

authoritarianism and totalitarianism

Which example violates the free-exercise Clause?


The answer choices are:
 a.) Allowing a school to run weekly prayer sessionsb.) Allowing a student to wear religious clothingc.) Stopping a religious group from praying on the White House lawnd.) Stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith

Correct answer choice is:

c.) Stopping a religious group from praying on the White House lawn
Exercise Clause is the section of the 1st Amendment. According to the exercise clause, Congress was forbidden to make any law which may support the establishment of religion or which may prohibit the free exercise.

Stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith is an example of the violation of the Free-Exercise Clause.  

Further Explanation:-

According to the first Amendment of the constitution of the United States, Congress has no right to make any law which is regarding the establishment of a religion or prohibiting a free exercise thereof. These two clauses in the United States Constitution are referred to as ‘Establishment Clause" and ‘Free Exercise Clause'. Both of these clauses are applied to all the states of the United States and these clauses operate against all the levels of the government which is there in the United States.  The protection which the Free Exercise clause provides is related to religious beliefs as well as religious practices of all the citizens. According to this clause, every citizen of the United States is free to follow any religion or any faith. Both of these clauses protect the same values in a way and often the violation of one clause can be seen as a violation of others. But there are also some inherent issues between both of these clauses. For example, if the government is involved so much in protecting one clause then there is a risk of violation of other clauses by the government.

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1. Compare and contrast the middle colonies and southern colonies during the restoration era.


2. which similar challenge did china and japan face following the sino-Japanese war?


Answer details:  

Grade – High School

Subject – Constitution

Chapter –Free Exercise Clause

Keywords – Free Exercise Clause, Religion, Protection, Amendment, United States, Government, Constitution, Establishment Clause, Faith, Religion.  

Loyalists supported the British and were also called:


The Loyalists who supported the British and were also called "Tories" because they believed that the "Patriots" reaction to the British tax increased was an overreaction. 

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As president, dwight eisenhower steadfastly pursued the goal of


Balancing the Federal budget

What was the goal of the Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765? to limit trade between the colonies and other nations to demonstrate British authority in the colonies to create revenue for the British government to appease angry colonists by increasing their freedoms


The goal of the Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765 was to create revenue for the British government.


To get revenue from taxes.
