The native Americans were friendly with the colonists when they first came


Answer 1
Answer: Not all. However the people like the squanto were
Answer 2
Answer: not all of them were friendly to thr americans

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He would pay a fine.


Using Greenleafable's answer (he/she is a the brainly level Quality Assurance), I am going to say that, "It says in article 198 that hurting a freed man would result in paying a fine. Whipping and things like that happened for other people in the situation or if the man paying the fine did not have the money to pay a fine.


Answer: he pays a fine


Where did the Spanish establish most of their missions in the Americas?


The main way in which the Spanish established most of their missions in the Americas was through extreme violence and force--often making people convert. 

Final answer:

The Spanish established most of their missions in the Americas, mainly in areas of present-day Southern U.S.A, Mexico, and much of South America. They were driven by quests for riches, faith conversion, and establish their societal dominance. They introduced a labor system, the encomienda system where they utilized the Indigenous population for labor.


The Spanish established most of their missions in regions of the Americas, extending from the present-day Southern United States down to Central and South America. The Spanish colonial empire significantly expanded during the 1500s to include areas that later became parts of the United States such as Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, as well as territories in Mexico, and much of South America. This was mainly driven by their quests for gold and silver, dreams of converting Native Americans to Catholicism, and the establishment of social dominance. The Spanish also introduced the encomienda system, a labor system which involved forcing the Indigenous population to labor for them. They established the first European settlement in the Americas in 1565 known as St. Augustine, and continued their expansion throughout the Americas.

Learn more about Spanish colonial empire here:


How did the assassination of Archduke of Ausrtria-Hungary lead the war between Russia and Germany


Well, if you wish to be technical, the assignation of the archduke was not the only thing that lead to the war between Russia and Germany, otherwise known as the WW1 (World War One.) The murder of the archduke and his wife was the critical blow that caused the war, but, the tension was heavy between the two countries for years. It was mostly because of nationalism, and imperialism. Nationalism is that strong feeling that your country is the best at everything. Imperialism is when a country tries to conquer as much land as possible. Also, militarism or the glorification of military strength played a strong role in the start of World War One. So, to answer your question, the assignation of the archduke and his wife was simply the excuse both countries needed to start a fight. 

What did the Sugar Act lower taxes on?


The Sugar Act lowered the tax on molasses, which colonists had previously been forced to pay roughly six pence per gallon on. This wasn't enough to alleviate the colonists' grievances, however. 

Which American naturalist convinced President Roosevelt to set aside Yosemite Valley as a national park? A. Samuel McClure B. Leland Stanford C. John Muir D. Lincoln Steffens


Answer: C. John Muir


John Muir (1838-1914)  was an ardent environmentalist and an early leader in movements to protect the American wilderness.  He helped campaign to get Congress to make Yosemite a national park, which actually occurred in 1890, during the presidency of Benjamin Harrison.  Land in Yosemite had even been set aside already as protected for public use by Congress in 1864, signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln.  This was known as the Yosemite Grant.   When Teddy Roosevelt became president in 1901, he was a strong supporter of the National Park and National Forest systems.  Roosevelt added 230 million acres of land to those public lands systems, including an expansion of the lands reserved for Yosemite National Park.  

In 1903, President Roosevelt personally took a 3-day camping trip in Yosemite with John Muir, and said of Muir:  "Of course of all the people in the world, he was the one with whom it was best worth while thus to see the Yosemite."

John Muir is well known also as the co-founder of the Sierra Club, along with Henry Senger.  The Sierra Club was one of the world's first major environmental groups, and to this day is highly active in promoting responsible environmental policies.

The American naturalist was John Muir

Name three accomplishments of exploration


Three accomplishments of exploration include the discovery of new lands, such as the "new world," wealth and power. The amount of wealth generated by the exploration lead to powerful rulers.