Identify the following group of words as an incomplete or complete sentence. If the sentence is incomplete, identify the reason.It was a dark and stormy night

incomplete sentence: subordinate clause

incomplete sentence: no verb

incomplete sentence: no subject

complete sentence


Answer 1
Answer: The group of words stated above is a complete sentence. It has a subject and predicate. A sentence can be considered as complete when it expresses a complete thought. In this case, the sentence is independent and it can stand alone without the utilizing a subordinate clause.
Answer 2

Answer: D) Complete sentence.

Explanation: The given sentence ("it was a dark and stormy night") is an example of a complete sentence, because it has a subject ("It"), a verb ("was"), and complements ("a dark and stormy night"). Also, it isn't a subordinate clause, because it has complete meaning by itself (it doesn't depend on another clause). So the correct answer to the question is the corresponding to option D: complete sentence.

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The answer is pretty easy to see, A doesn't have quotation marks seperating the speech from the narration, B is just fine, The quotation marks are in the wrong place on C and D doesn't have any quotation marks at all, so that leaves B the correct answer

The Answer is B because the other answer choices has the quotation marks in the wrong places

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B.noun clause
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The correct answer is C. adverb clause. First of all, you have to know that this is a dependent clause, meaning that it cannot stand on its own (the way independent clauses can), but rather it has to belong to another sentence. So, A is incorrect. Dependent clauses can be noun clauses, adverb clauses, and adjective clauses. Noun clauses function as nouns, adjective clauses as adjectives, and adverb clauses as adverbs. Adverb clauses answer the questions such as When?, Where, Why?, which is the case here, which is why C is the correct answer.
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C. the “separate but equal” doctrine
The separate but equal doctrine did not keep African Americans in the south from voting.

Meaning that their beliefs didn't stop them from moving ahead.