How did World War II impact African Americans? (5 points)It intensified efforts to protect segregation.
It established a network of black-owned businesses.
It expanded African Americans' economic opportunities.
It drove many African Americans back to agricultural work.


Answer 1

World War II expanded African Americans' economic opportunities.

Due to the lack of manpower, since many men were in the front line, and with the country needing to increase its production to maintain the expenses of the war, World War II was a great opportunity for many African American enter the labor market in positions that until then were only obtained by white citizens.

Due to these reasons, from the entry of the United States into the war began the process called "Second Great Migration", by means of which many African American left their agricultural works to move to the northern cities of the country.

At the end of the Second Great Migration, African-Americans constituted a strongly urbanized group. More than 80% lived in cities and only 53% remained in the southern states of the USA, while 40% lived in the Northeast and the Great Lakes area and 7% in the West.

Although African Americans were offered jobs in the auxiliary industry during World War II they were often dangerous positions.

Answer 2


It expanded African Americans' economic opportunities.


Took the test and got it right.

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