States ruled by hereditary leader 2. members of the middle class who lived in a city or town: members of the middle class who lived in a city or town 3. soldiers who fight primarily for money: soldiers who fight primarily for money 4. aristocrats: aristocrats 5. a form of government in which the leader is not a king and certain citizens have the right to vote: a form of government in which the leader is not a king and certain citizens have the right to vote


Answer 1


Well based on your question the answer would be:


1.States ruled by hereditary leader  are Monarchies.

2. Members of the middle class who lived in a city or town  are burghers.

3. Mercenaries are soldiers who fight primarily for money.

4. Aristrocrats are the nobles or nobility in a country.

5. Republic relates to  form of government in which the leader is not a king and certain citizens have the right to vote

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The ideals developed in the Athens of Pericles and in the republic of Rome influenced the development of the modern government structure in the British Parliament.

A republic is defined as “a kingdom in which the superb power rests within the frame of residents entitled to vote and is exercised with the aid of representatives selected immediately or not directly with the aid of them.

A republic allows more freedom and prosperity. The strength of government is held by means of humans. Humans provide strength to leaders they decide on to represent them and serve their interests.

learn more about republic here



The British Parliament


I took the test

The Twenty-Seventh Amendment is the most recent amendment to the Constitution. Its existence today can be traced to a college student who proposed the idea in a term paper and was given a C by his professor for the idea.In 1982, a college student, Gregory Watson, discovered that an amendment to the Constitution had been ratified by six states by 1792 and could still be added to the Constitution because Congress had never stipulated a time limit for states to consider it for ratification. Watson started a self-financed, grassroots campaign to get the amendment ratified. He wrote letters to state officials, urging them to pass the amendment.

Maine was the first state to respond to Watson’s campaign, ratifying the amendment in 1983. In 1992, Michigan became the 38th state to ratify the amendment, casting the final vote needed to make the proposed amendment an actual part of the United States Constitution.

The amendment that Watson lobbied for states the following: “No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”

In short, the Twenty-Seventh Amendment states that a sitting Congress cannot give itself a raise or cut its pay during its current session. Any pay raise or cut would take effect for the next Congress.

Respond to all parts of the question. In your response, use substantive examples where appropriate.

A. Describe the role of Congress in passing a constitutional amendment.

B. Explain how the states affect the process described in Part A.

C. The Equal Rights Amendment was passed by Congress but never ratified by the states. Many other proposed amendments have shared the same fate. Explain how the high bar in passing amendments, as illustrated in this example, reflects the Framers’ ideas about government.


The answer is A-describe the role of congress in passing a constitutional amendment.

Baby Kwame has been able to stand for a while but cannot walk yet. Today, his dad gives him a small toy shopping cart. He stands holding on to the handle, but when he leans his weight on the cart, it rolls forward and Kwame takes a step. It rolls again, and he takes another step. Soon, he is using the cart to walk all around the house. This is an example of


Answer: Dynamic systems theory


Dynamic systems theory is a theory that deals with the handling of children with cerebral palsy. Due to the individuals condition they are aided to carry out some task. Baby kwamne has found it difficult walking after standing over a period of time, him being supported by his parents is a dynamic systems theory.

CHow did Musa transform Timbuktu?



Mansa Musa developed cities like Timbuktu and Gao into important cultural centers. He also brought architects from the Middle East and across Africa to design new buildings for his cities. Mansa Musa turned the kingdom of Mali into a sophisticated center of learning in the Islamic world.

Explanation: That is what i found hope it helps.