1. Convert 20/25 into a decimal. In order to do this, you will need to divide the numerator (the top part of the fraction) with the denominator (the bottom part of the fraction).
So, as a decimal would be 0.8. (We divide 20 by 25)
2. Now, we take the decimal and multiply it by 100. To make it even simpler, just move the decimal, two places to the right. This makes it the percent. So,
0.8 ----> 80%
The final answer is 80%
Thank you!
20/25 = (20*4) / (25*4) = 80/100 = 80%
20/25 as a percentage is 80%~
Solve for ×. site all steroids and check your work.
x=10 first u do 35-5 then u do 30/3 to get 10
Math question please answer thankss
do 5x4 and her tank can hold 20 gallons
What's 0.46% of 80 equal to ?
'is' in mathematics means equal 'of' in mathematics means multiplication
0.46% can also be written as 0.46/100
0.46% of 80 is equal to 0.368
Convert percentage into decimal: 0.46%/100 = 0.0046
Multiply the decimal by 80: 0.0046 × 80 = 0.368 <-- our answer.
Jenna flips two pennies 105 times. How many times can she expect both to come up heads?
well u could divide 2 by 105
55 is 40% of what number?
40 over 100 and 55 over n cross multiply 55 x 100 and divide by 40.which gives you 137.5