Which role of a senator takes place only at the Capitol?


Answer 1
Answer: The Senate is responsible for all lawmaking within the United States. The Senate also has important powers under the "advice and consent" provisions. They adjudicate proceedings initiated in the House of Representatives, a two-thirds majority being necessary for conviction. They consider and process legislation and exercise general control over government agencies and departments.
Answer 2

I believe the answer is: serving on a committee

Within the committee,senators from each state have to form relationships with other senators that might have opposing view.

After that, they would debate their view in the chamber and eventually vote for the type of legislation that give the most positive benefit for the country.

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Free economies exist because a significant portion of resources are owned by individuals or companies in the private sector and not a central government agency. In this way, the owners exercise total control over the means of production, allocation, and exchange of products.



individual choice


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The answer is False.




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The process of expelling the non-christian people ( I think the question means the moors, that is the Arabs: Muslims) from the Iberian Peninsula is referred to as Reconquista and it lasted around 770 years: from 710 and 1492 when Granada passed from the Moors to the Christians. 

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Answer; yes it is ,true .


How did technology improve city life? Give examples.


Technology improved city life by:

1) easy transport system - buses and cabs to ride, more roads to use as routes, trains or airplanes to take for more faster way to go from one state to the other or to another country.
2) traffic lights and CCTV - disciplines everyone using the traffic lights to avoid accidents and jams. To monitor movements or activities within the streets.


Elevated trains through cities, subways, streetcars, and other public transportation gave rise to suburbs. Skyscrapers helped build taller buildings.


A weight lifter passes out in the gym and is taken to the local hospital. The doctor discovers that she is in shock and also has an enlarged heart. What type of supplement would the doctor consider to be the most likely cause of the problem



A muscle-building supplement like a growth hormone


The growth hormone is a protein that is made by the pituitary gland. It is released in the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. The growth hormone is being controlled by many sets of hormones that are released by the hypothalamus in the brain, gland tract.

It is available in a drug that is injected by a sportsperson in the form of injection. Around 30% of people feel negative symptoms of these hormones. Sportsperson uses GH to increase their energy level. The sportswomen who pass away in the gym. The doctor gets fainted and shocked to know that she was taking muscles -building supplements like growth hormones.


the answer is A. a muscle-building supplement like a growth hormone.

on egde
