What was NOT a cause for the financial and banking instability in the United States between 1836 and 1863?


Answer 1

During this time, economy was not the cause of the financial and banking instability in the United States. A bank war was going on in the US were some of the founding fathers were not fond of the idea of having banks. They think that it would only become the source of corruption. Because of the bank wars, the country suffered recession which lasted in the early 1840’s

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How did the ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson affect the legalities of segregation?A. It set legal precedent for future court cases.
B. It implemented desegregation legislation.
C. It redefined the concepts of “separate but equal.”
D. It discouraged people from continued protests.


C. The ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson affect the legalities of segregation by redefining the “separate but equal” doctrine as a legal precedent.

Further Explanation:

The Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson took place in the aftermath of an incident that took place in year 1892, when Homer Plessy, an African American passenger, was arrested as he refused to move from the paid first-class car because he was man of color. He was charged for violating the Separate Car Act of 1890. His attorneys entered a plea based on the equal protection of the laws that was guaranteed to them by the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court had passed a ruling that rejected this argument of violation of constitutional rights.

The Plessy v. Ferguson case in 1896 upheld the issue of racial segregation. It was sanctioned as per the “separate but equal” doctrine,and on the constitutional grounds ruled that any state law was not in conflict with the 13th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution.

The ruling had some major implications at the society level mainly concerning the education of colored people which was deemed necessary for their emancipation. The most important was regarding the funding of educational institutions or segregated schools. The segregated schools had to bear the brunt of racial discrimination in terms of under funding and inferior educational supplies and buildings.

Learn more:

1. A provision of the us neutrality act of 1935  brainly.com/question/2412497

2. The part of the us government that interprets laws is the... brainly.com/question/889076

Answer Details:

Grade: College History

Subject: History

Chapter: The Supreme Court and Civil Rights

Keywords: Plessy v. Ferguson, separate but equal, legal precedent, Supreme Court, 1892, Homer Plessy, African American, Separate Car Act of 1890, Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, Constitutional rights, 1896, Racial segregation, 13th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution, Education, Funding, Segregated schools .

The ruling in Plessy C. Ferguson affects the legalities of segregation because:

(C) It redefined the concepts of separate but equal.

Further explanation

This case occurred in the state of Virginia, a former Confederate state in the southern United States. The local law was segregationist. For example, the railway company had to create wagons for blacks and whites separately. Homer Plessy, an Afro-American man who was not allowed to sit in the white wagon, decided to break the law. He was arrested and sent to the Supreme Court of the United States.

This court confirmed the judgment of the court of Louisiana and rejected his claim. The judges said that segregation was not a violation of the 13th amendment that abolished slavery. This judgment more recognized the right of states to apply racist and segregationist laws, as long as each racial group was treated equally with each similar group. There was not a law for all, but a law for each population group. All whites must be equal for the same laws, and all blacks must be equal before the same laws. It was called the concept of separate but equal.

Learn more

  1. The Emancipation proclamation: brainly.com/question/4638275
  2. The Black Codes: brainly.com/question/507264
  3. Martin Luther King’s letter from Birmingham jail: brainly.com/question/2510454

Answer details

Subject: History

Chapter: The Reconstruction Era

Keywords: slavery, segregation, the black people in the United States, southern states, civil rights, separate but equal concept

Napoleon’s final defeat was at the… Battle of Moscow. Battle of Waterloo. Battle of Austerlitz. Battle of the Nations.


Napoleon final defeat was at the Battle of Waterloo




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I think its the Cloning of Animals.

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The Geneva accords are signed at the conference

I hope that's help:0

Which concept is an inherent element in the Muslim belief system?


Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, the correct response would be that they believe in a single god and a single prophet, since Islam is a monotheistic religion.

Answer: I believe that it’s “being obedient to the will of God” since they believe in only one God.


I hope this helped! ❤️