The original purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to:write a new Constitution
revise the Articles of Confederation
elect a President
none of the above


Answer 1
Answer: revise the articles of confederation.

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1. overconfidence in the nation's prosperity

2. large industries not as successful as they appeared

3. farmers producing more than they could sell

4. competition from foreign countries

5. US extending loans to foreign countries for the purchase of its products

6. people buying to much on credit

7. speculative buying on the stock market


Even though I dont see any... I will say the Stock market crash of 1929.

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It's called the stone age

Answer:i think the stone age i hope this helps


Why were the detroit riots of 1967 significant


It was one of the largest riots to happen in the UnitedStates.  It was a police bust gone thatgrew into a full-fledged riot where many people were killed and injured aswell.  Many buildings and properties werealso damaged as a result.


it was one of the largest riots in the us,and it had a large number casualties to people and destruction to properties.


hope this helps

What various forces shaped the day-to-day lives of settlers in New Mexico, Louisiana, and New Netherland?




The day-to-day lives of settlers in New Mexico, Louisiana, and New Netherland were shaped by a combination of geographical, cultural, economic, and political forces. Each region had unique characteristics that influenced the experiences of its settlers. Here's how various forces shaped their lives:

New Mexico:

Geographical Challenges: The arid and desert-like environment of New Mexico posed challenges for agriculture and water availability. Settlers had to rely on irrigation techniques to cultivate crops.

Native American Influence: The indigenous Pueblo people had a significant impact on the culture, trade, and daily lives of settlers in New Mexico. There were interactions and exchanges in terms of language, food, and technology.

Spanish Influence: New Mexico was a Spanish colony, and Catholicism played a major role in the lives of settlers. Spanish laws, customs, and governance structures influenced daily life.

Trade and Exchange: The trade routes connecting New Mexico to Mexico City were vital for the exchange of goods, culture, and ideas. This trade also brought about cultural influences from Mexico.


Diverse Cultural Landscape: Louisiana was characterized by a mix of French, Spanish, Native American, and African cultures due to its colonial history. This diverse cultural environment shaped cuisine, traditions, and language.

Mississippi River: The Mississippi River was a key geographical feature that influenced trade and transportation, allowing for the growth of port cities like New Orleans.

Agricultural Economy: Louisiana's fertile land and subtropical climate made it suitable for cash crops like sugar cane and cotton. Plantation economies, driven by enslaved labor, had a significant impact on daily life.

French and Spanish Influence: The early presence of French and later Spanish colonial powers shaped the legal systems, architecture, and cultural practices in the region.

New Netherland:

Dutch Trading Hub: New Netherland, centered around New Amsterdam (now New York City), was primarily a trading colony. The presence of the Dutch West India Company and the focus on trade shaped the economy and daily life.

Diverse Population: New Netherland was home to diverse ethnic groups, including Dutch, English, French, and various Native American tribes. This diversity influenced language, religion, and cultural practices.

Patroonships: The patroon system, where wealthy landowners controlled large estates, had an impact on land distribution and social hierarchies.

Conflict with English: The English takeover of New Netherland led to a shift in governance and culture. The English influence introduced English common law and traditions.

In summary, the day-to-day lives of settlers in New Mexico, Louisiana, and New Netherland were shaped by a combination of geographical factors, cultural interactions, economic activities, colonial governance, and interactions with indigenous populations. Each region had its own unique blend of influences that contributed to the distinct character of life for its settlers.

What political party was the strongest in Germany by 1914?



At the beginning of World War I, Germany was a constitutional monarchy in which political parties were limited to the legislative arena. Wilhelm II (1859-1941), the German kaiser (emperor) and king of Prussia from 1888 to 1918, was one of the most recognizable public figures of World War I (1914-18).


i hope this helps

On what policy did Williams Jennings bryan base his candidacy for president ? eight hour work day/ b. easy money/ election of US senators/ d.sound money


I believe it was easy money

Answer: Easy money


I took the test and got 100% <Plato