What processes do all living organisms use to maintain homeostasis?


Answer 1
Answer: it uses energy to move things through the process of homeostasis

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A. Starting to develop arthritis
B. Increased possibility of stroke
C. Poorly functioning immune system
D. Becoming more susceptible to heart disease



C. Poorly functioning immune system


Being underweight would basically mean that you aren't receiving enough nutrition for your body, causing your immune system to weaken from it.

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I will friend and thank for best answer


Parasitism. It is a non-shared connection between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits to the detriment of the other, the host. Customarily parasite alluded fundamentally to living beings unmistakable to the bare eye, or macroparasites.
It is a parasitic relationship, where parasite is benefitted and the host if harmed. Example of this includes, tapeworm which attaches themselves onto the intestine of the animals like pig, cow wtc, and use their undigested food, and cause nutrition deprivation in them.

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b. Light adds energy and photosynthesis is endothermic
c. Light adds energy and photosynthesis is exothermic
d. Photosynthesis produces light


The answer is b it's is endorthermic
the answer is b. the photosynthesis process absorbs light energy to carry out the reaction, along with glucose anergy which is used to produce ATP.

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I believe the it’s a Physical change
most likely physical

Anderson and his lab partner each held a tuning fork, 4440 Hz, in their hands. Anderson tapped his tuning fork with a mallet and they listened to the sound it made. "Wait a minute!" exclaimed Anderson's partner. "My tuning fork is vibrating too!" Sure enough, both tuning forks were vibrating although only Anderson hit his with the mallet.what wave property caused the second tuning fork to vibrate?
a) diffraction
b) interference
c) refraction
d) resonance


Resonance: the effect of an object vibrating at a specific. preferential frequency