D) Trains
It takes a very long time for a train to stop.
For example, a freight train carrying around 100 rail cars and travelling at 55 miles per hour needs more than 1 mile to stop if the emergency brake is applied.
A passenger train travelling at 80 miles per hour takes abut 1 mile to stop.
So there is no way a train suddenly stops.
b. increasing Federal taxes to support social welfare programs.
c. providing incentives to stimulate business growth.
d. establishing government programs to provide jobs for the unemployed.
B) generalized anxiety disorder.
C) a phobia.
D) panic disorder.
the mountains caused isolated communities to form separate governments
the peninsula was surrounded by water and mountains making it hard to expand and keeping them isolated. communities remained small and close.
City states were formed and each city-state developed its own laws, practices, and way of life
B) drive reduction.
C) self-actualization.
D) homeostasis.
B) transference content
C) manifest content
D) resistance content
B) location
C) cartogram
D) all