Which of the following books would most likely be written in first person?a. Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler
b. Thomas Jefferson: A Man, His Politics, His Opinions
c. A Dark and Stormy Night: A Detective Harrison Mystery
d. Three Men on the Moon: A Science Fiction Adventure


Answer 1
Answer: Of the following books, Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler, is most likely written in first person. Writing in first person means it is based directly from the author's perspective. In other words, it is based on the "I" point of view. Autobiographies are accounts or stories written by the person him or himself based on his or her own ideas or experiences. So the answer is letter A.
Answer 2
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "a. Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler" The book that would most likely be written in first person is that of Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler

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The role of gods and goddesses in Greek society and in The Odyssey was to help humans that aggravate them or to harm those who achieved their friendship. These gods and goddesses interacted with humans, giving them strength, honor, wars, seducing them, imprisoning them, among other things.


About the interaction of gods and goddesses with humans, we have some examples in The Odyssey, two of these examples are reported below:

Gathered in assembly, the gods respond to Athena's request and decide for the return of Ulysses, who after leaving Troy had been trapped in the cave of Calypso, a sea nymph. In the assembly of the gods, Poseidon was absent. Authorized by the gods, Athena goes to Ithaca, disguised in the figure of Minds, king of the Taphios. Welcomed by Telemachus, the young son of Ulysses, the goddess of wisdom and justice raises her spirits and advises him to address the wise Nestor in the sandy Pilo, as well as Menelaus, the king of Sparta, to to get news from Ulysses. Comforted, Telemachus orders his mother, Penelope, to come down to hear the Femdom rhapsode to return to her room. He then calls the suitors to a meeting at the agora the next day to communicate their resolutions. At dusk, everyone retreats to rest.

In a new assembly, at Athena's instance, the gods decree the return of Ulysses. Hermes, the messenger god, gives Calypso the order of Zeus, urging her to let the captive go. The nymph tells Ulysses that he must build a raft and urges him, but in vain, to stay with her. Ulysses finishes the raft in four days, leaving on the fifth and seeing on the eighteenth the land of the Faces, excellent navigators. Seeing the hero, Poseidon causes a storm in which Ulysses almost dies. The leucotean goddess gives her a talisman. Ulysses undoes the raft and, thanks to Leucotea's veil and Athena's protection, swims over to the Isle of Esquia. At great cost, it reaches the mouth of a river, hides in a forest and, exhausted, falls asleep.

I can't provide examples from the Odyssey, but I have a vast knowledge of Greek mythology. Hope this helps! 

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What is one function of the introductory paragraph of an explanatory essay?A: to provide evidence for one specific claim
B: to grab readers' attention
C: to persuade readers to take action
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B: to grab readers' attention 

This is because the introductory needs to be very interesting.
If its very plain and boring, the reader may  not want to continue on reading the book.


Answer is B!!!!!!!!!! :)


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The battle of philippi began in the year 42 BC. If that's even a year.....

At the fair not only can I eat tasty food but I can also see awesome fireworks


What Exactly is your question? This sentence could be written more fluidly. 
"When at the fair, not only can I eat tasty food, but I can also view awesome fireworks."

Or I would completely reorganize it like this. 

"At the fair, I can eat really tasty food, and see cool fireworks displays."


At the fair, (Not only can i eat tasty food,but i can also) see awesome fireworks



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Silas Marner might be considered a novel of motives.

A novel of manners is fiction work meant to re-create a social world with a very detailed observation the values, customs, and mores of a highly complex society.

A novel of sentiment is also called Novel of Sensibility and it reflects (1) an overindulgence in emotion, especially when it is the conscious effort of inducing emotion in order to enjoy it.

A novel of incident is dominated, usually, by episodic action.

Neither of those fit because Silas Marner is usually considered to be a novel of motives.

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his servant.


In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar in Act II, Brutus's soliloquy reveals his true feelings about Caesar himself.

Brutus's soliloquy reveals his true feelings about himself