______ tu el Valle de Silicio (Silicon Valley)?A. Conozco
B. Sabes
C. Se
D. Conoces


Answer 1
Answer: Hello, TTVPhantom!

D. Conoces

You use the verb conocer when you want to use "to know" a familiar place. And you add the "es" ending for tu to ask the person.

Conoces tu el Valle de Silicio (Silicon Valley)?

Hope this helps :)

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We use Relative Pronouns (Pronombres Relativos) when introducing a clause that describes a previously mentioned noun which is called the antecedent. We use this type of pronouns to connect sentences or phrases, In Spanish, there are four sets of relative pronouns: que, quien,el que, el/la/los/las que and el/la/los/las cual. There is a great variation in the use of them but there are general patterns:

a. Que: This is the most common and the preferred relative pronoun in spoken or informal contexts. This is often used when there is nothing between it and the antecedent and can be used to refer a person, place or thing and means that, which, who, or whom.

b. Quien: It is most often used when there is a preposition or a comma between it and the antecedent. It is commonly used after prepositions like para and con. Its plural form is quienes.

c. el/la/los/las que and el/la/los/las cual: They are less common in spoken speech, though very common in written and more formal contexts. They are used with antecedents that are persons or things and agree in number and person with the antecedent.


In this way, we can use each sentence to write the following paragraph:

Tenemos una cafetera nueva que mi prima nos regaló. También tenemos una cómoda nueva la cual es buena porque no hay espacio en el armario. Adicionalmente, esos platos no nos costaron mucho, los que están encima del horno. Además, esas copas me las regaló mi amiga Amalia quien viene a visitarme mañana. Por otro lado, La lavadora está casi nueva, la que nos regalaron mis suegros. Finalmente, la vecina nos dio una manta de lana lacual compró en Méx.

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I believe it would be true


Fill the blank with the correct form of the verb \"querer.\" . . Yo _________ir al baile. . . .


The answer is

Yo quiero ir al baile. It is in simple present tense because there is not a preposition of time that indicates another tense.

It can be either "quería" or "quiero"It depends on what do you want to say.If you want to say "I wanted to go to the dance" use "quería"If tou want to say "I want to go to the dance" use "quiero"Good luck.

You're a security guard at an airbase in Florida. Seeing a suspicious character sneaking around, you stop him. You wonder where he is from and ask.a. Donde esta la puerta?
b. Habla usted espanol?
c. De donde es usted?
d. Por que?


The correct answer would be C, De donde es usted?
Because it makes more sense than the rest of the answer choices, the translation for it would be: Where are you from? 

I hope this helped :)

the answer is c because it is asking where hes from

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Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Vales were unable to load Disqus. Therefore they weren't able to fill.
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