PLEASE HELP!! The intelligence of early man is demonstrated by the way the pyramids of Egypt were built. True or False?


Answer 1


Explanation: True the man was much intelligence during years.

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The textile mills need lots of raw materials and slave where the one who harvested the materials hope this helps


The textile mills need lots of raw materials and slave where the one who harvested the materials hope this helps


PART A: Explain in your own words the following famous quote from FDR’s First Inaugural Address: “…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself….”


Answer:  Hope for desperate Americans.


These were the words from Roosevelt's inauguration for President. In this way, the new President intended to dispel fear for his citizens. By this time, the economic depression had reached its peak.

With this statement, the President made a direct promise that he would fight the economic abyss in which America was stuck. The new President also began fighting economic depression by introducing an economic reform program known as the "New Deal."

Final answer:

FDR's famous quote "...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself...", given during the Great Depression, suggests that fear itself is often more harmful than the object of the fear.


The phrase "…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself…" fromFDR’s First Inaugural Address signifies the power of fear in disabling the progress of a nation or an individual. In the context of the time when FDR was inaugurated, the United States was in the midst of the Great Depression. Fear was a prevailing emotion due to economic instability. FDR, with this phrase, wanted to convey that the fear was greater than the problems it was causing. Essentially, it's the panic, uncertainty, and lack of confidence that does more harm than the actual issue at hand. This quote signifies that courage and optimism are instrumental in overcoming challenges.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, often known by his initials FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States. He restored the hope of American people with his dynamic leadership during one of the most difficult times in US history.

Learn more about FDR's First Inaugural Address here:


How do you think the people conquered by the Romans felt about their rulers


They would have hated their rulers as they are a foreign army who wants to change their way of life and who invaded their land however the romans improved the land that the took by building things such as roads and sewage drains so there are also benefits

Which Democratic president was responsible for starting early civil rights reforms during the 1960s?A.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
John F. Kennedy
Bill Clinton




John F. Kennedy


"During his presidential campaign in 1960, John F. Kennedy had promised the most ambitious domestic agenda since the New Deal: the “New Frontier,” a package of laws and reforms that sought to eliminate injustice and inequality in the United States. But the New Frontier ran into problems right away: The Democrats’ Congressional majority depended on a group of Southerners who loathed the plan’s interventionist liberalism and did all they could to block it.

[...] In general, the federal government stayed out of the civil rights struggle until 1964, when President Johnson pushed a Civil Rights Act through Congress that prohibited discrimination in public places, gave the Justice Department permission to sue states that discriminated against women and minorities and promised equal opportunities in the workplace to all. The next year, the Voting Rights Act eliminated poll taxes, literacy requirements and other tools that southern whites had traditionally used to keep blacks from voting."

Reference: Editors. “The 1960s History.”, A&E Television Networks, 25 May 2010

The answer is letter C

(d) Describe the interaction between the Hebrews and nearby groups (including the Philistines, Assyrians, and Babylonians) in the region in ancient times.


The Assyrians,Babylonians,Philistines and the Hebrews did not interact well with each other. After long battles with each other the Assyrians took over Israel.Jerusalem is important to the jews because it's the land their land.

I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless you and have a nice day ahead!

How many military expeditions did the Church launch to try to capture the Holy Land? a. 5
b. 12
c. 8
d. 7


There were 8 military expeditions launched by the Church to try and capture the Holy Land between 1096 (The start of the First Crusade) till 1272 (The end of the Eighth Crusade). However it would span from 1096 till 1291 if you include The Fall of Acre.