Ellos no ______ Madrid

A. saben
B. conocen
C. sabemos
D. conozco


Answer 1
Answer: Ellos no conocen Madrid.

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1 lógico
2 lógico
3 ilógico
4 ilógico
5 lógico

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uno usa un saca punta
uno usa un saca punta

What are three characteristics of the alveoli promote gas exchange?


the surface of alveoli is thin and moist, alveoli has a very large surface area in total;plenty of room for gas exchange, and the surface of alveoli is covered with capillaries.

Yo ______ alta (Ser)?


The question asks you to conjugate the verb "ser" for first person singular (yo).

The correct form is: :"soy"

The full sentence:
Yo soy alta.

The full paradigm of "ser" is:

yo soy
tu eres
el/ella es
nosotros/nosotras somos
vosotros/vosotras sois
ellos son
The correct would be "Soy"

Spanish ir conjugations


o=yo imos=nosotros
es=tú ís=vosotros
e=el/ella/usted en=ustedes/ellos/ellas
yo- voy
tú- vas
èl/ella/ud.- va
nosotros- vamos
ellas/uds...- van

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Carteles, teclados, mochilas, meses.