Kimmy thought she had one fourth the money that the other students did, but she was wrong.Which form of punctuation is missing?
a period

a comma

a hyphen

a dash


Answer 1
Answer: a comma because for the money use comma

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Which part of the sentence is a prepositional phrase exquisite old painting


Hanging crooked
Or commanded our attention

Final answer:

The phrase 'exquisite old painting' does not contain a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase starts with a preposition (such as 'on') and ends with a noun or noun phrase (like 'the roof'). An example of a prepositional phrase in 'exquisite old painting' could be 'of the sunset'.


The phrase 'exquisite old painting' does not seem to contain a prepositional phrase. In English grammar, a prepositional phrase always begins with a preposition and ends with a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. The prepositions are words like 'in', 'at', 'on', 'over', etc. They show relationships between other words in a sentence. For instance, in the sentence 'The cat is on the roof', 'on the roof' is the prepositional phrase. However, if you wrote 'exquisite old painting of the sunset', 'of the sunset' would be the prepositional phrase.

Learn more about Prepositional Phrase here:


What is the degree of comparison of the underlined modifier? Does the turtle or the snail move more slowly? A. comparative B. superlative C. positive


comparative because more slowly.
Most slow-superlative
comparative is the correct answer

Poe is famous for his use of descriptive language. Make a list of at least five words that you reacted to from what you have read so far. Write the word and write a brief description of the feeling or idea the word inspired in you.


Solitude: it gives me a feeling of sadness and melancholy. The word solitude, when used, seeks to pass a discomfort and leave the narrative with a sorry, anguished climate.

Disquieting: It gives me a feeling of discomfort and revolt. Generally used to make the reader literally restless and uncomfortable.

Finish: It gives me the feeling that something is being completed and that there will be no return, it is over forever.

Focused: It gives me the feeling of concentration, thinking, control and reasoning.

Death: I also feel a sense of anguish and melancholy. In addition, it rekindles the feeling of something finished, this time, forever.


happy, angry, descriptive, amazing, and interesting


Can some one help me with at least one question....Shifts in Tense

1.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
As soon as the alarm clock rings, Neal is eager to get out of bed.
Antoine brushed his teeth before he eats his breakfast.
Often the baby stands in the crib and holds onto the rail.

2. Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
He ate his entire dinner, but his stomach is still growling loudly.
We are reading these books, which we got from the library yesterday.
The dog is playing in the yard as Mrs. Smith worked in the garden.

3.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
Although few people view Marta's blog, she writes an entry every day.
As Dana was reading a magazine, I use the computer.
The performance will begin as soon as the theater becomes dark.

4.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
I will have been cooking for the entire morning when the guests will arrive.
When Grandpa calls on the phone, he will tell us the big news.
Before this week ends, the broken light fixture will have been repaired.

5.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
Has Jack showed you his photos yet, or is he still telling that funny story?
While Lucy was hiking on the trail, she trips over a tree root and twists her ankle.
After I dry these dishes, shall I put them away?

6.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"While I was cleaning the bathroom,"
I somehow misplaced my toothbrush.
I somehow misplace my toothbrush.
I somehow had been misplacing my toothbrush.

I somehow was misplacing my toothbrush.

7.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"The audience left before"
the movie will be ending.
the movie ended.
the movie ends.
the movie will end.

8.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"As the adults cleaned up"
the children will play with their toys.
the children play with their toys.
the children are playing with their toys.
the children played with their toys.
9.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"Snow had fallen on the ground overnight,"
so we will have gotten our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we will get our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we got our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we get our shovels to clear the driveway.

10.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"We had been putting away the dishes"
when the guests are arriving.
when the guests arrive.
when the guests arrived.
when the guests will arrive.


The following would be the answer to your questions.
#1 C. Often the baby stands in the crib and holds onto the rail.
#2  B. We are reading these books, which we got from the library yesterday.
#3 B. As Dana was reading a magazine, I use the computer.
#4 A. I will have been cooking for the entire morning when the guests will arrive.
#5  A. Has Jack showed you his photos yet, or is he still telling that funny story?
#6  B. I somehow misplace my toothbrush.
#7 C. the movie ends.
#8  C. the children are playing with their toys.
#9 B. so we will get our shovels to clear the driveway.
#10  B. when the guests arrive.

Write an entry for a blog describes a place you have visited which has affected you


I once visited an orphanage for a field trip in high school. It was an orphanage specifically for babies or younger kids who were abandoned by their parents. We had to interact with the kids, play with them, feed them, create a program for them, and just spend some time making these kids feel like they weren't forgotten. It was heartbreaking to see such young kids already experiencing what many only experience in their adulthood: abandonment, loneliness, feelings of worthlessness and unwantedness. This experience really made me look at my life and try to appreciate what I have. I may not have the perfect family, but at least I have people around me who love and accept me. We should all strive to make each and every person we meet feel loved. As Elllen Degeneres says, be kind to one another. Because that's why we were put on this Earth.
I once had to visit my sister in a mental hospital, she had tried to commit suicide and it was really devastating seeing so many young kids hating themselves. The atmosphere was so dull and bleak, every girl sad kinda far away from each other with their hoods up staring at the floor. I couldn't help but wonder what dark thoughts they were having, I wanted so badly to try to help to each and every one of them and tell them that they're worth something and they have so much more to see and experience in this lifetime, I wanted them to actually start getting it into their heads that they are worth it. Every time I visited I kept over-hearing and seeing my sister suffer in there, begging to go home. She was miserable. And the the worst of it all was reading a note that I was asked to write to my sister about how it would've made me feel if she had successfully committed suicide. I tried to read it but I kept choking up. Every word hurt because it scared me to have to imagine what it would've been like if she left me. I had to have my mom read it and she just about broke down seeing it. It was such a mess. But needless to say during and after that time I suffered from on and off depression and it has really damaged me, but what keeps me going is this one thing my grandmother and mom have said to me since I was a little girl and that's "everything happens for a reason". Another was a quote from my late grandfather, "with everything terrible that happens, there will always be a gift." I tell myself those two things when I'm feeling low and it keeps me going. :) 

Which sentence is correctly punctuated with a colon


A is the correct answer