The strike became popular where workers simply stopped working and refused to leave. T or F


Answer 1
Answer: Assuming that you're talking about a sit-down strike, That statement is True

Usually carried out by sitting down on their station and not doing any work, so the company could not find a replacement for them and continue the operation

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Technological advances and to the end of spreading communism. 

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The European system of Manorialism is most closely associated with maintaining economic self sufficiency. Manorialism is actually considered a very essential element of the feudal system and society. It is also considered as the organizing principle of most rural economy. I hope this comes to your help.

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Theodore Roosevelt supported powerful corporations that did business fairly. 

Theodore Roosevelt supported powerful corporations that did business fairly.  

Further Explanations:

Theodore Roosevelt being the United States 26th President made the Presidency the center of politics in the United States. He was the one who revolutionized foreign affairs of the United States and always trusted that the United States holds greater responsibility in international affairs. He became President after the demise of William McKinley who was President before him. The presidential style of Theodore Roosevelt brought new energy in the political system of United States as he always shared a great equation with people with regards to forming public opinion and he was the first President of United States who gathered votes from people on his name but not on the name of his party.  

Roosevelt executed a square deal program that laid emphasis on natural resources conservation, consumer protection unions and Control of Corporation. He always supported the corporation that practices a fair business play. Roosevelt Square deal was an internal program focusing on helping Average Americans. He used this phrase firstly in the press in 1899, quoting “a square deal for every man”. They were protecting businesses against unreasonable unions and also protecting children and women in the workplace, leading to the chartering of the National Child Labor Committee in 1907.

Learn More

  1. What did President George Washington warn against in his farewell address?
  2. Critics of President Polk made what complaint after the capture of Mexico City?
  3. As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts,?

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History  

Chapter:  Theodore Roosevelt

Keywords: United States, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, protection unions, Control of Corporation, Square deal, Average Americans, National Child Labor Committee  

What innovations and conditions existed in Great Britain that led to the Industrial Revolution?​



Making or producing the cloth became mutch faster and required lots of less time


The North’s control of railroads gave it an advantage during the Civil War because it could


It could quickly move men and supplies for the war around :)

Why was renaissance a turning point in world history


The Renaissance (13th-16th centuries) is considered a turning point in history because of how much the world changed. Art changed. Science changed. Medicine changed. People's views on life, government, and politics changed. Education changed. Religion changed. I could go on and on about this. 
Also, many important people were born during this time and they made several contributions in the fields listed above. 
When you put it all together, the Renaissance was about a thousand years of advances jam packed into about 300 years. Because the people in the Renaissance did what they did, people for hundreds of years later could make the advances that THEY did.


The Renaissance is perhaps one of the greatest turning points in all history, and even more so in Europe. It was a rebirth of classical culture and ideas, a relaxed life where people could think and create marvelous art. ... The renaissance brought about changes in everything in Society including schooling and the arts.
