What is the dramatic purpose of Act 4 Scene 4 in Romeo and JulietA. to teach the audience how to plan a feast
B. to build suspense before the family finds Juliet
C. to show Juliet does not get along with her family
D to set the tone for the following scene


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "B. to build suspense before the family finds Juliet"  the dramatic purpose of Act 4 Scene 4 in Romeo and Juliet is that B. to build suspense before the family finds Juliet

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B. tablets that turned out to be ancient correspondence

C. wooden documents known as tablets

D. tablets as of now


I'd say B, seems most likely . Hope that helps

Starry Night Studios offers classes in painting, drawing, sculpting, and woodworking. It refurbished an old townhome but did not invest in a new furnace. Winter is coming. If the furnace breaks, Starry Night Studios will most likely

 extend hours expand inventory hire artists lose business


I would say that if the furnace breaks, Starry Night Studios will most likely lose business.
Because for example, sculpting depends on the furnace, and if it is really cold, no artists will work there.


lose business


Which describes the structure of this sentence? If the ball needs air, use the pump in the storage room.






This sentence is a complex sentence. Usually, a complex sentence is composed of one independent clause and one or more dependent clause. In the sentence, there is one independent clause (use the pump in the storage room) and one dependent clause (if the ball needs air). So, the answer is C.

What does Patrick Henry argue is inevitable?A. War against the British
B. Slavery in the colonies
C. Submission of his brothers
D. An agreement with the king


The correct answer is A. War against the British

He argues that the states tried to stop it and avert the crisis but that Britain is not someone with whom one can negotiate and that a war is coming.

Do you think guns should be illegal in the United States and why?
Give two reasons why.


No, guns should be legal in the United States.

Banning guns doesn't work. Hitler banned guns, Zedong banned guns, and guess what? They killed millions and millions of people after they banned them. How are WE suppose to stand up for ourselves if guns are banned? Most people feel safe with a gun. Guns are not the problem, it's the person using them the incorrect way. The best thing to do nowadays is to teach everybody to use a gun the CORRECT WAY. Not to shoot humans, dogs/cats. 

Banning guns will not stop crimes, or stop people from hurting each other. There are knives, swords, etc. 
I think that banning guns would make the US safer because then the criminals would have to turn them in and the gangsters would have nothing to shoot each other with. I also think that there should be security cameras and full body scanners everywhere in public places to prevent mass shootings. I think that only the police and the president and the secret service should be allowed to have guns because they work for the government and the government would never abuse it's power.

What are the spelling errors and grammar in this sentence. Go through reception and turned right at the emergncy entrance
