Why would contries have a low percentage of children


Answer 1
Answer: The social structure, religious beliefs, economic prosperity and urbanisation within each country are likely to affect birth rates.

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Hi There!  :)

Separate the fact from the fibs. Which one of these statements is true?

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Can someone help me match these ?



1)walk/ use bikes=reducing CO2

2)use computers= saving forest

3)treat sewage= conserving fresh water


i hope this helps


walk or bycicle→→ reducing Co2 emissions

cars produce lots of polution in the air

use computers for notes/communication→→saving forests

paper comes from trees, so by taking notes online you dont use paper

treat sewage water→→conserving freshwater aquifers

lots of chemicals such as pestisides get into our water. Also sewage water gets dumped out in other large body of waters