When you take out an insurance policy your monthly premium is the amount you pay each month to keep your insurance. In this case, the $200 a month premium allows you to file a claim if something were to happen because you are paying for the insurance services. When you set up your premiums they will base your monthly service rates off of your deductible amount if you need to file a claim. The out-of-pocket for a car accident with a deductible of $700 is $700. Once the deductible is paid, the insurance will pay out for the damage.
The maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses is $700.
Further Explanation:
Deductible in health insurance:
The deductible is the amount that the insured person has to pay for the health care services before the insurance company starts to pay. An insurance company pays for the health care bills after a specific limit. The insured person has to pay the health expenses up to a specific limit. This limit is known as the deductible.
Out-of-pocket expenses:
It is the maximum amount of expenses that the insured person has to pay for medical expenses. It includes the deductible, coinsurance, and co-payment. Premium paid on the insurance policy is not considered in the out-of-pocket expenses.
Out-of-pocket expenses in case of a car accident:
In the given case, the deductible is $700. The out-of-pocket expense includes the deductible, coinsurance, and co-payment. There is no provision of coinsurance and co-payment in the given case. Therefore, $700 will be considered as out-of-pocket expenses.
Thus, the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses is $700.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about health care insurance
2. Learn more about the insurance rules
3. Learn more about the insurance cover
Answer details:
Grade: Senior School
Subject: Business Studies
Chapter: Insurance
Keywords: Your, auto, insurance, policy, has, a $200, monthly, premium, and, $700, deductible, What, is, the, maximum, amount, you, will, have, to, pay, out-of-pocket, for, a, car, accident, before, your, insurance, covers, your, costs.
less than; to use the services of shared activities
In the case when the service cost arise from the shared activity should be less than the comparable service cost that provided by an outside supplier so here the general manager could have the incentive with respect to the services that are used for the shared activities
Therefore as per the given situation, the above should be the answer
Expansionary monetary policy is an economic strategy that is implemented by the central bank to stimulate economic growth by increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates. The correct option Option A.
This policy is designed to increase investment and consumer borrowing in the economy, thereby increasing demand and shifting the aggregate demand curve to the right.
When interest rates are lowered, it becomes easier and cheaper for businesses and individuals to borrow money. This encourages increased investment and consumption, which stimulates economic growth. Lower interest rates also make saving less attractive, which can lead to increased spending and investment. As a result, aggregate demand shifts to the right.
The correct answer to the question is (a) interest rates; right. Expansionary monetary policy lowers interest rates, which increases demand for investment and consumer borrowing, and shifts aggregate demand to the right. This policy can be used to combat recession or slow economic growth by stimulating demand and increasing economic activity.
Overall, expansionary monetary policy can have a positive impact on the economy by increasing demand and promoting economic growth. However, it can also lead to inflation if the increase in demand outpaces the supply of goods and services, and the economy overheats.
Therefore, central banks must carefully balance the benefits of expansionary monetary policy with the potential risks of inflation. The correct option Option A. . interest rates; right
To learn more about monetary policy here:
Answer: Option D
Explanation: The scope of providing better quality services in case of tax consultancy is quite difficult as the tax rates and rules are already set and there is little area for flexibility.
However, the manner of providing service could be changed maximizing the satisfaction of the customer or such areas of service could be covered which are not provided by the other firms.
Hence from the above we can conclude that the correct option is D.
No, because the U.S. Safe Web Act provides immunity to the ISP from liability for such action.
In the Safe Web Act actually states that ISP and other information sharers must follow some rules and thus enjoy some advantages when helping the government fight spam, spyware, and Internet fraud and deception.
One of these rules is called Reciprocal Information Sharing. In this article of the Safe Web Act, an ISP is permitted to share confidential information without a customers approval if required by the government in order to halt fraud, deception, spam, spyware and other consumer protection law violations targeting him or her.
If the ISP does this, is automatically protected by the Article 8, which covers the ISP with immunity to lawsuit, or liability from sharing private information with the government in a voluntary manner needed to prevent or halt wrongdoings to the customer or federal agencies.