What does the Ninth Amendment ensure?


Answer 1
Answer: The Ninth Amendment: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. This amendment means that nothing written in the Constitution can be used to cancel amendments to it.

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The task of using fossils to match up rocks of similar ages in different areas is called _____.


The correct answer is called Correlating


Correlating or correlating rock layers is an instrument to determine the age of rocks, it means fossils are used to determine the age of rock layers, for this process it is necessary the fossil had lived a short time so they are sure it appears in only one layer and belongs just to one specific age. Later these fossils are matched to different rocks or layers and thus, different areas with the same fossils can be studied and compared to determine the age of each of the layers above or under the fossil. Also, the word correlation refers to two or more objects, people or other being related to each other as in the case of fossils and rock whose age is related and thus can be correlated or matched up.

It would be "correlating" rocks of similar age in different regions.

what was the name given to the widespread fear of suspected communist and radicals in the untied states after ww1


The ''Red Scare'', given because of the rounding and deportment of several hundred immigrants of radical political views by the federal government from 1919- 1920. The ''scare'' was caused by fears of subversion from communists in the United States after the Russian Revolution. Hopefully this  was helpful! have  good day!

Which of these concerns about immigration existed during the late-19th century and the early-21st century? (2 points)Immigrants contribute to unemployment among native-born workers.
Immigrants bring ideas that are dangerous to the American way of life.
Immigrants are unable to assimilate successfully into mainstream society.
Immigrants consume scarce natural resources needed for the native-born population.


The correct answer is:

Immigrants contribute to unemployment among native-born workers.

This was and even nowadays is a common case, because normally people who immigrate are from the third world countries (in the majority of cases) and they are ready to go to any work, even if it is physically hard. In such way, they leave very little choice to the native-born workers or even take options available for them.

Immigrants contribute to unemployment among native-born workers.

In what way did economic factors influence political developments in the annexation of hawaii? Native Hawaiians, who depended on American sugar planters for jobs, pressured American leaders to annex the islands American sugar planters in Hawaii, who favored annexation to protect their profits supported a revolution that ousted Queen Liluikalani Faced with a surplus of sugar, American planters in Hawaii pushed for annexation so that the sugar trade could be opened to markets in the US.d.


The best option from the list would be "American sugar planters in Hawaii, who favored annexation to protect their profits supported a revolution that ousted Queen Liluikalani," since Hawaii was becoming increasingly lucrative. 

Economic factors influenced political developments in the annexation of Hawaii because American planters in Hawaii pushed for annexation so that the sugar trade could be opened to markets in the U.S. Many American sailors and settlers were drawn to Hawaii's tropical islands. Some of the descendants started sugar plantations and traded with the U.S. The Queen was alarmed by the settlers power and in response they seized power asking the U.S. to annex Hawaii.

What are 5 words that discribe the wright brothers


1 Who were the Wright brother's ?
2Where did the Wright brother's die?
3Where were them Wright brother's born?
4Who were them Wright brother's Born?
5What were the Wright brother's Goal's in Life?