What is the purpose of using a plot diagramto structure the order of events in your narrative

to identify your audience and purpose

to narrow your topic so that it is manageable

to create ideas and/or topics for your narrative


Answer 1


to structure the order of the event

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Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence. The papers are on the desk that I corrected. reference case agreement


The correct answer is Reference


In grammar, a pronoun reference error occurs when a pronoun especially the pronouns "that", "those", "it" does not relate correctly to the noun it is replaces which lead to confusing, absurd or ambiguous constructions. This is called a pronoun reference error because the relationship between the pronoun and the noun it refers to that act as a reference or antecedent is not clear. This occurs in the sentence "The papers are on the desk that I corrected", in which the pronoun "that" seemed to refer to the desk when it actually refers to the paper and therefore the relationship between the pronoun "that" and the antecedent "the papers" is not clear. Thus, the type of pronoun error in this sentence is a reference or pronoun reference error.

Explain how nicknames became surnames.


The late Middle Ages also saw the flocking of people from one area to another over military conquest (like the Normans) or for economic reasons(such as farm laborers emigrating to the new and growing cities) unlike earlier ,so besides the previously well answered explanations, geography also played a part in adopting surnames.
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Von Hesse
Geographical features
Du Bois
Man made features:
Van Dyke
Du Pont

Final answer:

Nicknames became surnames during medieval times as a way to differentiate among people with common first names. These nicknames were usually derived from a person's profession, location, or physical attributes and eventually became inheritable, gradually evolving into fixed surnames over several centuries.


The process of how nicknames became surnames is rooted in historical social practices. Dating back to medieval times, people began using descriptive nicknames as a way to identify each other. This was due to the prevalence of common first names, leading to a need for further differentiation.

These nicknames often described a person's occupation, location, physical attributes, or even personal characteristics. For example, someone called 'John the Smith' might have been differentiated from others named John by their profession as a blacksmith.

Over time, these nicknames became inheritable and gradually evolved into surnames. This process wasn't instantaneous - it took several centuries for these surnames to become fixed and pass down through families.

Learn more about surnames here:



What element of tone is unique to a stage production?A. Sound
B. Word choice
C. Conflict
D. Plot


The correct answer is A. sound.
Sound is something that appears in plays, but cannot appear in a poem or a novel. You can actually hear the actors saying their lines, whereas you can only imagine what characters in a story or a poem sound like. Word choice, conflict, and plot can appear in both fiction and stage production, but sound is unique to the latter. 

The novelist cannot retain everything exactly as it is in "real life."

True or False?


I believe this is true.
No matter how great a novelist is, there are some instances from 'real life' that cannot be captured exactly as they are. A great novelist can come really close to doing that, but ultimately, it won't be a perfect representation of real life, and maybe it shouldn't be. It is a novel, which means that the novelist can manipulate 'real life' as much as he or she wants to.

What is the Trusted Network Interpretation (TNI) of TCSEC?


Answer: It contains all of the criteria in the TCSEC, adding interpretation and rationale to applying trust technology to network systems.


Final answer:

The Trusted Network Interpretation (TNI) is a supplement to the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), which evaluates the security of computer networks. It was published in 1987 and extended the TCSEC by addressing network-specific concerns. A key concept in TNI is a trusted path for secure user-system communication.


The Trusted Network Interpretation (TNI) is a supplement to the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC). It provides a set of criteria for evaluating the security of computer networks. The TNI was published in 1987 to extend the TCSEC, which was primarily focused on the security of standalone systems and didn't address network-specific concerns. It is often referred to as the Red Book, in contrast to the Orange Book which refers to TCSEC. The TNI relies heavily on the concept of a trusted path, a means by which a user can communicate with the system without fear of the communication being intercepted or tampered.

Learn more about Trusted Network Interpretation here:



Please read some of these verses and answer this question: for how long has Wisdom existed?(THE ANSWER CAN BE MORE THAN ONE-IT CAN BE ONE, TWO, or ALL)

A. For eternity
B. For as long as God
C. Since before creation


Answer: Wisdom has been from the womb. Whomever the Lord has a hand upon, he make exceptional by giving him extra wisdom which separates or make him different in thinking among others.

Solomon is an example.