Owning a car during the 1950s in the United States was mostly?


Answer 1
Answer: During the 1950's owning a car was a sign and status of success, of prestige if you will. Since the American economy was growing in this period, more and more people were becoming rich, and more and more people were entering the middle-class which actually became the dominant part of the population. This led to people to be more powerful economically and to be able to afford more goods, including the cars. So with the buying of the car were pretty much showing off that they made it in life, but also the type of car was very important because of the more expensive the car the bigger the status of the person and vice versa.
Answer 2


B.) A sign of status and success.


On Edge :).

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Central and state governments influence each other in a unitary system. federal system. confederal system. democratic system.


Federal System

Further Explanation:

In the Federal system, there is a sharing of powers between the State government and the Centre government. Both state governments and the central governments enjoy concurrent powers, as well as exclusive powers and this distribution of powers, helps both these governments to explain the division of powers properly among them.  

Article 4 of the constitution of the United States has clearly stated the division of powers between the States and the Centre and what responsibilities the states should have towards each other and what responsibilities the center should have towards States. According to section 1 or Article 4 of the constitution, the States should respect the judicial verdicts and proceedings of the other state. For instance, if a person has committed a crime in one state and has moved to the other state then that person will be considered as criminal in that second state also and judicial proceedings against him will follow according to law.  

Learn More:

1. Identify the developments and how they impact individuals or larger groups/cultures.


2. How can an explanation make it easier to address economic problems in the future?


Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Federal System

Subject: Constitution

Keywords: Constitution, Federal System, State, Centre, Government, Article 4, Responsibilities, Proceedings, Concurrent, Law, criminal law, Legal.  

Central and state governments influence each other in a federal government.

Further Explanation:

Federal government  

  • Federal government is a type of government in which the sovereign power is shared by regional units called states or provinces and the central government or the national government.  
  • In a federal government, the central government has more sovereign power than the state governments.  
  • The central government influences the state governments directly.  
  • An example of a federal government is United States

Other types of government

Confederacy government  

  • It’s a type of government where unlike in the federal government, the sovereign power rests with regional units such as provinces or states.
  • The central government has limited powers with supreme authority being retained by the regional units or the state governments.  
  • The sovereign states delegate powers to the national government for specific purposes, such as regulation of trade and defense.
  • The states government functions independently of each other due to lack of a central authority and this may cause conflicts and inefficiencies.
  • A modern example of confederation government is Switzerland

Democracy system 

  • Democracy is defined as the government of the people for the people. It is a type of government which allows citizens to participate directly in the affairs of a nation through the representatives which the people elected.  

Constitutional democracy  

  • In this type of government the constitution outlines the sovereign power of the people.  

Constitutional monarchy  

  • This is where the monarchy is guided by the constitution in which his/her duties and responsibilities are outlined by written laws.  

Absolute monarchy  

  • This is a type of government where monarch rules without being guided by any laws or a constitution.  

Constitutional government  

  • A government which is formed under a constitution as an authoritative document which outlines a system of fundamental laws and principles that determines how the government works.


Keywords: Government, confederacy government, state and central government

Learn more about:  

Level: High school  

Subject: History

Topic: Government

Sub-topic: Federal government

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The economy?


I dont have answer choices and I dont have a set time period so that would be my best guess

How many seconds are there in one year?


There are twelve seconds in one year

Answer: Mathematically it would be 31,536,000

Explanation: 60 seconds per minute. 60 minutes per hour. 24 hours per day. 365 days per year. 60x60x24x365

What was the Renaissance?


It represents a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries between the Middle Ages and the High Renaissance in Italy.

The Renaissance was a period of artistic and literary achievements in Europe from the late fourteenth to the early seventeenth centuries  that was inspired by new interest in the classics of literature and art

The Northwest Ordinance stated that once 5,000 adult males lived in a district, it became


The answer is a territory


Answer is C: a territory.


Doing the quiz right now got 100% just wanted to help people out.

hope this helps yall.

Hey don't forget to like and heart also rate lol thx. ;D

Which group offered wartime farming jobs through the bracero program


mexicans were offered the farming jobs
Hey there

The group that offered wartime farming jobs through the bracero program were the Mexicans