how could the disappearance of wolves from their ecosystem affect the populations of other species
The type of immunity that provides lifetime immunity for the body against a specific pathogen is called acquired immunity. It is also referred to as adaptive or specific immunity.
Acquired immunity is not present at birth. it is learned. As a person's immune system encounters foreign substances (antigens) the components of acquired immunity learn the best way to attack each antigen and begin to develop a memory for that antigen. Acquired immunity is also called specific immunity because it tailors its attack to a specific antigen previously encountered. Its uniqueness lies in its ability to learn, adapt and remember.
Acquired immunity takes time to develop after first exposure to a new antigen. However afterward, the antigen is remembered, and subsequent responses to that antigen are quicker and more effective than those that occurred after first exposure. Memory of a particular antigen is kept by the B and T lymphocytes.
Vacuole and Chloroplast
Vacuole and Chloroplast are not found in animals.
Vacuole function in the storage of food in plants. While chlotoplast is involved in the process of photosysthesis.
Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts; animal cells do not. The cell wall surrounds the cell membrane, supports the cell, and gives the cell its shape. Chloroplasts capture energy from sunlight and convert it to chemical energy that the cell can use.