When crafting a message, which of these is a good way to demonstrate empathy? a) Address the company's needs
b) Send the message using multiple channels
c) Address the audience's needs
d) Use familiar images
e) Tell the audience why they should care


Answer 1


C) Address the audience's needs.


Empathy is about putting yourself in the position of others. To demonstrate it, you must know, feel and embrace other's needs to truly create a message that proves that you care for them.

Answer 2

Final answer:

To demonstrate empathy when crafting a message, one should address the audience's needs. This involves understanding and sharing the feelings of the other party, in this case your audience. By focusing on their needs and problems, you show that their perspective is valued.


When crafting a message, one good way to demonstrate empathy is to c) Address the audience's needs. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of another. In the context of crafting a message, it means understanding and addressing the concerns, interests, or needs of your audience. When you focus on their needs and problems, you show that you value their perspective and you're not just centered on your own viewpoint or agenda. For example, if you're crafting a business message to a client who's worried about budget, an empathetic approach might involve clearly demonstrating how your product or service can save them money while still meeting their needs.

Learn more about demonstrate empathy here:



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Good luck with your studies, I hope this helps!

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Hope this helps.

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Hope this helps!