Exam number: 700105RR Exam name: The printed word


Answer 1

The central idea of this paragraph is that "Channing is hoping all of his years of service will result in a promotion." So the correct option is A.

The major thought or message that a paragraph provides is known as its key idea. The main notion of this sentence is Channing's commitment and expectation of a particular result as a result of his years of diligent labor at the timber firm.

The passage describes how Channing has put in dedicated labor for six years, going above and above the call of duty by working overtime, showing up early, and mentoring new hires.

All of this extra work has been done with the expectation that it will result in a promotion to the upcoming assistant manager job. So the correct option is A.

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The complete question is:

Exam number: 700105RR Exam name: The printed word

Channing had been working for the lumber company for six years. He had taken extra shifts, arrived early, and trained new employees. Now that the position of assistant manager was opening up, he hoped all of his dedication and hard work was worth it.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

A. Channing is hoping all of his years of service will result in a promotion.

B. Working at a lumber company often means working longer hours than expected.

C. The best employees know that it's important to accept additional shifts.

D. Being an assistant manager requires Channing to take on additional responsibilities.

Answer 2

Answer: Do you have a story or something

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Answer: By helping the students.


  • In American culture there are three pairs of values which are equality, individual freedom and material wealth.

They are influencing American class system by helping others and caring for students to have same opportunities in education and appropriate benefits. Also, material wealth is another value that is helping students(You can search about American Dream). There should be no discrimination and hard work should be awarded.

Cultural values, economic aspiration, and motivations influenced the new generations to be economically better off than the previous generation, and this promoted social mobility.

We can reach this conclusion because:

  • American cultural values fostered a successful nation in all respects.
  • The economic aspirations in America encouraged people to try different businesses, always looking for a good economic return.
  • All of this motivated Americans to seek social ascension and encourage new generations to be more successful.
  • The new generations grew up with the obligation to be better than the previous generation.

In this way, each generation strived to be more economically successful, which promoted social mobility.

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Construct a multi-paragraph written response in which you analyze how Robert Frost and E.E. Commins portray the natural world. Use evidence from the sources to support your claim, and include a conclusion.



Human emotions come together, it is interpreted as the most beautiful, interacts in the life of man with rhythm and musicality, man learns from himself and grows spiritually.

But nature does not bend to man's attempts to control her.

Clark Griffith claims that Frost does not describe a "neutral nature" but, on the contrary, sees it as a personality, a creature. It is a post- Emersonian nature, not benevolent or without danger if not capable of exerting a destructive force. [ii] Exploring nature, man learns about himself and grows spiritually. But the reverse is not followed: nature continues its own course, indifferent to man's attempts to control it or use it for its own purposes.

“Poetry is more often of the country than the city... Poetry is very, very rural - rustic. It might be taken as a symbol of man, taking its rise from individuality and seclusion - written for the person than writes and then going out into its social appeal and use. Just so the race lives best to itself - first to itself, storing strength in the more individual life of the country, of the farm - then going to market and socializing in the industrial city”.

That is, poetry as a praise of the rustic and simple life of the countryside as opposed to an industrialized city. In this ancient field-city, Frost reanimates the tension between work and leisure typical of pastoral poetry.

Frost seems to tell us that if man comes to revelation, to the truth, it will be through work and not through "idle hours". This poem could also be seen as a poetic arsa where the author reflects on his practice and sets his aesthetics.

Frost coined the phrase the sound of sense to refer to the choice of words throughout his work. As stated in a letter to John Bartlett, in July 1913, this sound must be positive, proactive and recall everyday speech: "The sound of sense, then. You get that. It is the abstract vitality of our speech. It is pure sound-pure form. An ear and an appetite for these sounds of sense is the first qualification of a writer, be it of prose or verse." [xi] The sound of sense would be the translation into words of raw sensory perceptions. In addition to considering the meaning of the words, Frost considered his euphony. Many of his verses replicate the content thanks to a combination of rhyme, subway and alliteration. They are poems written to be read aloud; Frost used to give recitals in different American cities where his work was discussed and commented on.



The real, the popular voices and rural tasks are full of poetry and it does not need to be evoked by a literary or fanciful imagination (elves) or a mind dedicated to leisure.

In order to find the poetic, anything other than the truth is useless. Only when deeply present in the here and now the poet will be able to write verses with content of Truth. This could clash with the idea of an artist removed from the world; on the contrary, to achieve this requires a deep immersion in the everyday.

Reasons for why you would want a job as a receptionist in a hotel ?
This is for a letter




Your name & address


The HR,

Organization name & address

Respected Sir / Mam,

Sub: Applying for the post of receptionist

I would like to match my myself with the expectation from the receptionist.

  • I have good communication skill to handle calls
  • I can speak more than 3 languages and have caliber to learn few more
  • I have pleasing personality
  • I already have 2+ years of experience in handling calls and Hotel industry
  • I possess patience to handle any type of calls
  • I have been awarded as the best employer for tackling the rude customer in the best way.

Considering the above, I would like to apply for the job in your organization to prove and upgrade my talents.


Your name & contact number