The seasons are due to the fact that the earth's axis doesn`t remain vertical. This one stays tilted. The translation movement also influences
The inclination of the earth has two important effects.:
1. Each region of the earth receives different amounts of light throughout the year.
2.according to the seasons the days and nights have different duration.
This inclination is preserved throughout the year. Is summer in the hemisphere that is tilted toward the Sun and winter in the hemisphere that is tilted away from the Sun
Snakes detach their jaw to swallow bigger prey.
A blue room
Green light is the least effective for plants because they are themselves green due to the pigment Chlorophyll.. Blue light helps encourage vegetative leaf growth, and red light encourages flowers. this happens because the amount of blue, red and far red spectrum of light that reaches the planet changes with the seasons. As days start to get longer, more blue spectrum light reaches the surface of the earth. This initiates a vegetative growing stage for most plants leading into the spring and early summer. As the days start to grow shorter, and more of the red and far red spectrum reaches the surface, it leads into the late summer and fall reproductive season.