Why was the Kennedy Space center first created? A for unmanned space missions BH. For missions to Mars C. For the moon missions D. For research of the ozone


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is C. The Kennedy Space Center was created for the moon missions. The Kennedy Space Center is one of the ten NASA centers which is located on the east coast of Florida. This center has been the primary launch center for human spaceflight.
Answer 2


the answer is option C...

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Decide side whether the following statement is in the command form. Viene aquí.


The statement in command form is "Viene aqui".

What is a command form?

A command form simply means the words that are used to make commands or orders.

In this case, the statement in command form is "Viene aqui". This simply means come here.

Learn more about command on:


The statement is in command form.
Viene aquí is saying Come here, with an understood you in front.
Hope this helps :)

Which of the following words is a synonym for frecuentemente?A. siempre
B. a menudo
C. a veces
D. de vez en cuando


It is b. That means often, whereas frecuentemente means frequently.
the synonym for frecuentemente is (B).

Copy, translate, and write masculino or femenino next to the following nouns.profesor, lapiz, sofa, telefono, mujer, hombre , muchacho, silla , muchacha, mapa, luz , pan , libro, pelota , sol , mesa , coche , luna

Example: mano-hand-femenino



Ok, ill try


The translation is Teacher, pencil, sofa, phone, woman, man, boy, chair, girl, map, light, bread, book, ball, sun, table, car, moon

Teacher= profesor =   masculino

Pencil= lapiz= mascuilo

Sofa= sofa= masculino



Man= hombre=masculio

Boy= muchacho=mascuilo






Book= libro=mascuilo


Sun= sol=mascuilo

Table= mesa=femino

Car= coche=mascuilo


Hope this helps

How might you describe the typical teen from Spain, based on the survey results? choose one response. A. Es sociable
B. Es artistico
C. Es deportista
D. Es perezoso.



Explanation: the answer is A

ANSWER-A.Es sociable

Quienes son los 6 compradores del diablo de la botella


tengo el libro en mis manos, para no olvidarme de ninguno de los personajes: Principales: -Keawe -Kokua (esposa de Keawe) Secundarios: -Kiano (padre de Kokua) -Lopaca (compañero de barco) -el hombre que le vende inicialmente la botella (no tiene nombre propio, solo se lo describe como un hombre maduro, calvo y de barba